I love you

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The room is so cold. I'm seated facing a giant rectangular black glass. I've watched the TV shows, they are all behind that glass watching me and talking about me. I can't see them but they can see me. I can't hear them but they can hear me. They are probably going over my files and reading my name date of birth and every information they have on me. They are coming up with a plan to try and make me confess but I won't. I don't care what they say. Suddenly the door opened and a tall lady walked in and behind her is and officer. The officer stand guard in the corner and the lady walks over to me with a file. "let me guess they sent in a woman because I'm a girl so they think I'll speak to you and why did you bring a guard to protect yourself from a 17 year old girl who has no weapon you obviously have no field training or you'd come in alone and you wouldn't worry about me attacking you and there's a few investors and officials watching us behind that glass most of them are trying to be smart and read my face because they think they can found out a lot about me just through my body language they'll probably say something like "she's bluffing" and then the others will believe them. I have nothing to confess about my teacher and I want my fucking lawyer" I said making the woman Gape at me in shock. Yep criminal minds has paid off. "you're gonna be a tough nut to crack" she giggled. "my name is detective Redding I'm with the FBI and I just wanna ask you a few questions" she said nervously. Yep she's a newbie. "I want my lawyer" I snapped. "A-and we'll get to that but I just need a few answers is that okay Rebecca?" she said. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and nodded. "whatever" I said. "okay good are you and Mr. Marcus Parker in a relationship as more than student and teacher?" she started. "no" I lied. Geesh I'm such a badass lying to the cops. "Keep in mind you're under oath Ms. King"she said. "I know" I said.

"OK are you and Mr. Marcus Parker having sexual accountants?"


" An eyewitness has claimed to have seen you several times at Mr. Parker's home. Do you visit Mr. Marcus Parker daily?"

"yes, for tutoring sessions"

"why not hold them at your place?"

"I'm not comfortable with a teacher at my house"

"Are you aware that Marcus Parker has a daughter Cindy?"


"Ms. King if we were to question Cindy are you positive she will answer the same kind of answers as you?"

oh no they got me no no no.


"A concerned teacher claimed to have overheard a disturbing conversation with you and your two friends in the courtyard about having sexual relations with Mr. Parker did that really happen?"

"Yes we did. But every girl in the school crushes on him we were talking about what we think he'd be like in bed we didn't mean it literally it was just teenage hormones talking "

She gaped at my remark. Yeah bitch!

"alright then Thank you. You can go make a phone call". she said getting up. I was suddenly nervous. She led me to a large waiting room where a giant holding cell was and Marcus sat inside with his head down in his hand and a few other people in there including Cory what the hell is he doing here. He smiled when he saw me. "I got busted mann" he laughed when he saw me. Asshole. I ignored him and bought my attention to Marcus He still had his face in his hands. I wish I could call his name but I couldn't contact him. I walked over to the phone and dialed his house phone. "hello?" Mary answered the phone. "Mary its Becky put me on speaker I need to speak to you and Cindy" I said quickly and quietly. "okay" she said I heard a few mumbling and shuffling and then she spoke. "Miss Rebecca you're on speaker" She said. "Beckyyy is that you?" Megan squealed. "Hey baby girl I need you two to do me a favor" I spoke quickly. "sure thing" Mary spoke. "if an officer comes to ask what I am to Marcus I'm just a student who comes over for tutoring session nothing more okay?!" I said. "OK miss but is everything OK?" "uh Marcus got arrested and I'm not trying to spill anything about us"I sighed. "oh no they're taking daddy I won't tell them anything I promise" Cindy squeaked. "Me either your secret is safe with me" Added Mary. "thank you I have to go alright" I said quickly. "bye" they said together. I hung up and dialed my mom. "Hello" she said. "Mom its Rebecca" I said. "Oh baby I know everything I'm actually stuck in traffic but I'll be there soon" she said panting hard. "Oh OK" I sighed. "do they have your phone" she said. "no I told them I don't have one" I said. "good thinking baby the lawyer is on her way too" she said. "that's good" I sighed. "baby I support you and him 100% okay" she said. "Thanks mom" I said as I hung up on with the giant payphone. I took a seat where I can have a view of Marcus. This time his head was up and his eyes landed on me. He mouth something at me good thing I'm good at reading mouths from Chelsea. "Did you tell them?" he mouthed. "no" I mouthed back. "what did you say" he mouthed. I pretended to open a  book and write he smiled. "tutoring?" he mouthed I nodded. "I love you" he mouthed. That got me in tears. "I love you too" I mouthed as tears fell down my face. We stared at each other until and officer came to get him away.

Awe they got caught :(

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