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Marcus locked his bedroom door and I sat on his soft bed. "Alone at last" I sighed. "ahh I'm so sorry honey, I have been so busy lately" he sighed. "Its okay, now come here and kiss me" I said to him. He chuckled and walked over to me and stood me up by my elbows and stuck his tongue in my mouth. It felt so good to kiss him after all these days. What's it been like 3 days? I soon realize this and I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He holds my thigh and slams me on the wall then his dresser and then his bed. I've never felt so much passion like this with any guy before this was so affectionate and wonderful. We let go as he is on top of me and I lay my back on the bed. "I've missed you so much" he whispered in a sexy husky voice. I bit my lip. "Same here" I whispered back. He smiled and we made out for about a few more minutes until my phone rang. "arghh don't pick up" Marcus growled against my lips. "Get off me you beast" I giggled. "you love it really" he chuckled as I got up and he layed on his bed. I rolled my eyes. "hello" I said not looking at who was calling. Marcus sat up and started kissing my neck and rubbing my shoulders. "Becky" I heard my mom crying on the other line. "mom what's wrong?" I said feeling worried. I slowly pushed Marcus back a little and he looked at me with a frown. "just come home please" she sobbed some more. "I'm on my way mom" I said before she hung up. I bolted up from the bed and grabbed my things. SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT! Marcus leaped up in front of me and held me shoulder length cocking his head to the side observing me. "Everything okay?" he said. "That was my mom, she wants me and Megan home now She was crying I gotta go". I murmured as he pecked my lips. " Okay go to your mom but ughhhh I wasn't finished with this" he whimpered Kissing my neck again. I giggled. "Well I'm sure you'll be fine" I assured him as pushed his chest playfully. I grabbed my stuff. I went over to Cindy's room and knocked on the door. "come in" she yelled. When I walked in Megan was layed lazily on the bed while talking Instagram selfies of herself and Cindy. "sorry to crash the selfie party but mom needs us home Megan" I said quickly. We all said our goodbyes and was out the door.

"I wonder what mom wanna tell us?" Megan said as I drove back home. "She sounded worried" I said in a shaky voice. Gosh I hate when my mom is stressed out it kills me inside. Suddenly tears started flowing out. "Becky please don't cry I'm sure everything is fine". Megan said in a shaky voice, I could tell she was worried too.

oooo What do you guys think will happen?

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