Pink and Red

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If someone told me a year ago that I'd be dating a teacher I wouldn't believe them. "Alright were here" I said to the girls as I pulled up the driveway. Megan's mouth dropped. Cindy and I chuckled. "close your mouth you'll catch a fly" I giggled at her. "oh my god He lives here" she whispered. "yep" Cindy and I said together. "Alright cmon guys" I said as I got out of the car. I rung the doorbell twice before Mary answered it. "Hello Miss Becky And Miss Cindy and Miss?" she greeted us. "Mary this is my little sister Megan" I said as I walked in. "Hello miss Megan" Mary nodded at Megan. Mary closed the door behind us. "Marcus is expecting you upstairs" she said before leaving the room. "I cannot believe you are dating a sexy slash rich slash teacher" Megan squeaked. Cindy and I laughed as we headed upstairs. When we got upstairs Marcus was leaning against Cindy's door. He stood up straight when he looked up from his phone. "Dadddyy" Cindy screamed and jumping into Marcus's arms. "Hey babygirl" how was your first day of school" He chuckled as he held her in his arms. "It was flabbergasting" she giggled. "oh you learned a new word" he laughed. "yes I learned so much words" Cindy giggled. "That's my girl" Marcus said as he kissed her cheeks. I couldn't help but smile at the view in front of me. This could be my future. Or it could be someone else's. I sighed at the thought. "Well well well who do we have here" Marcus said as he walked to us still carrying Cindy in his arms. oh right Megan. "oh Marcus this is my little sister Megan and Megan this is my teacher and my wonderful boyfriend Marcus". I explained. "Well hello Megan its nice meeting you, I hope I made a good first impression" Marcus laughed. Megan smiled shyly and blushed "Oh please I think you are the perfect brother in law" She laughed. He smiled at her. "Well that's great. Alright Cindy you should go to your room and change your clothes" Marcus said as he put Cindy down. "uh okay sure" she said as she skipped over to her room. We all stood near her as she grabbed the door handle. She looked at us strange. "What" she laughed. "nothing" we all said together She looked at us strange and then opened the door. It was so pretty.

The room was filled with pink and red the bed was tiny and just the right size for Cindy, beside the bed was a large pink closet and a few balloons were hung up. "Daddy its so prettyyyyyyyy" Megan squeaked as she jumped in Marcus's arms and hugging him. "Thank you thank you thank you, you're the best dad ever" she said in joy. Marcus smiled and put her down. "go on now and enjoy your room". He said ushering her towards her room. She jumped up and down and ran inside. "Um I'm gonna go with Cindy" Megan said before she was in Cindy's room. "alright" I said as she went in where Cindy was exploring her room.

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