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Marcus's Point of view

"um are you tired" I ask Cindy. "Nope" she replied. "Okay um do you have any questions for me or any thing to say" We were currently in the living room and seated on opposite couches. "so how come you're not fat anymore?" she asked, that made me laugh. "Uh Well um I lost weight." I said. "so do I call you dad or daddy or father?" she asked. " you can call me whichever you want" I murmured. "Is um Becky my new mommy since she's your girlfriend" she asked. " well if you would like to think of her as one I won't mind" I explained "can I stay here?" "of course you can, in fact you can stay forever because mommy left you" "um OK" she said quietly. "Is that all?" I asked. "um I do have one more question" "yeah?" "Do you love me?" I stared at her in shock. I sighed at her. "come here Cindy" I said. She came and I put her on my lap, she smelled like cigarettes and alcohol "I've loved you since the day you were born and I still do, I've missed you so much and I'm happy your here" she started crying. "I knew it" she said hugging me. We hugged for about 1 minute and then she let go and I wiped her tears away. "I'm gonna call our maid Mary and she's gonna get you cleaned up and ready for bed okay?" I said to her. She nodded and Mary came and got her.

All of this still amazed me I was currently lying in bed and I just got off the phone with Becky. I heard a small knock on my door. "come in" I yelled and Cindy walked in she was wearing what I'm guessing was one of Mary's kids clothes. Mary's twins girls used to come here and sleep over before she could afford an actual house so some of their clothes were still here. She was wearing a light pink short overall and a white T-shirt underneath. "can I sleep here?" she whispered. "of course" I said lifting half of my giant cover as she crawled in". When she was all settled in I layed the cover and wrapped my arms and snuggled her, this time she smelled better, she smelled like baby powder and watermelon and before I knew it she was asleep and I fell asleep listening to her breath. I truly do Love her.

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