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So today I was going back to school. The school had heard about our situation they gave us a few days off out of sympathy. The car ride to school with Megan was pretty quiet. We just listened to the radio the whole way. When we arrived, we just nodded at a each other and went our separate ways.

Chelsea and Katie were waiting at my locker. "Hey boo" Katie said when she saw me. She walked up and gave me a warm hug and so did Chelsea. I could tell that they still felt sorry for me. "Hey guys" I said quietly. I was still kinda depressed about the whole thing that happened with my dad. "I brought brownies". Chelsea said as she pulled out a ziploc bag out of her purse. She says book bags are for lame people. "Thanks chels" I said as I took the plastic bag and stuffed it in my backpack. "are you okay?" Katie said sympathetically. "yeah I'm fine" I lied. "you sure?" Chelsea added. "yeah its fine. Go to class y'all don't want to be late" I said. They smiled shyly and went to their class. After they left, a few of my other friends came up to me giving me hugs and support. "Hey Becky I'm sorry about your dad" they say. "He's a hero now" they say. I can't name them all I have so much. Even though I only hang out with Chelsea and Katie a lot. If they were ever absent, I still have a lot more people who likes me. Popular duh. This much attention is overwhelming and way too much for me. I sighed as I walked to class. I can't wait until 4th period. At least I have my boyfriend to look forward to.

*4th period*

"Alright ladies, today we are gonna have a quiz and afterwards we'll do some bookwork." Marcus said to the class. Everyone groaned. Is he serious?. "Just kidding we're gonna be watching a movie about the holocaust actually" He laughed. I breathed in relief I cannot deal with all the stress right now. Marcus looks extra hot today. His hair was as smooth as ever. His perfect lips looked so bloody juicy. And he was wearing a white dress  shirt, black dress pants and a beautiful black dress shoes. His sleeves were pulled up to his elbows, As always, and

his collar was unbuttoned slightly. He looks so beautiful. "Earth to Becky" Chelsea said snapping her fingers. "huh oh, I was just-" "I know" she laughed. My cheeks flushed a little. For the rest of the class we watched the movie and at the end of the day Megan and I skipped cheer practice to go home. Everything was so different around us. We had the same awkward quiet car ride home. When we arrived home my mom wasn't home so Megan and I went to our rooms.

Later that day Marcus called my phone. "hello" I said. "hey baby" his voice sounded so manly and husky. "Hey wassup" "nothing just wanted to see how you were doing" "oh I'm still a bit depressed but I guess I'm feeling better" "that's good to hear" "yeah" "Cindy misses you" "I miss her too but I can't deal with much right now I just wanna be alone for a little while, you know without all the drama and excitement" "yeah but I also miss you, we haven't spend much time together lately" "yeah I know but we will I promise" "okay baby, I hope you feel better soon, I have to go I think Cindy and the dog are making a mess downstairs for Mary to clean up". "Alright babe" "bye". I hung up.

Dinner was awfully quiet. Dad wasn't there to sit in his chair so it was very depressing. "how was everyone's day?" My mom said trying to lighten up the mood. "mines was good I got tons of supports from my friends and my teachers. A lot of people heard about what happened and they were giving us assurance I think I might even be popular." Megan said. "That's great honey, and what about you Becky?" mom said. "it was good I guess" I said I didn't really feel like talking so I just gave a quick answer. My mom stopped and looked at me. I stopped to look back at her and she had a look of hurt across her face. Did I say something wrong? "okay well then" she said getting up and going to the kitchen. "Goodnight" she said softly as she headed upstairs. "I've lost my appetite" Megan said as she got up and threw away her food and her plastic plate in the trash. Now I was sitting all alone in the dining room. Soon I did the same as mom and Megan and went up to my room. The house was so quiet. Usually We'd all be downstairs joking around in the living room or watching a movie together as a family. But since dad wasn't here anymore everything had changed.

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