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Its been approximately 1 month since my graduation and since Marcus proposed. I was laying on with him on his bed naked and we just had sex. "Marcus are you sure you wanna be with me for the rest of your life?" I mumbled against his chest. "Of course I do why do you say that?" "I'm so stupid so young and weird" I giggled. "And I love all that about you baby" he said as he kissed my lips. I smiled at him. "Really?" I said. "Really" he said. I sat up and looked at him. "What" he said. "Why won't you let me meet your parents, you never talk about them". I said. "Becky" he sighed sitting up with me and embracing me. I struggled out of his hug and stood up. "I know I'm young Marcus but why are you so ashamed heck I let you into my life you met my whole family and I don't even know anyone in your family bedsides Cindy". I half yelled. "THEY'RE DEAD OK" he yelled. I gasp. "OH my god" I whispered. He looked down and started crying. I rushed to his side. "I was 15 and my sister was 19, we were chilling in the house while my parents were out for the night. The doorbell rung and the police informed us that they died in a car crash. When my sister turned 20 she got married to her boyfriend and I lived with them up until I was 18 and basically adapt my own life. They were mega rich so all the money went to my sister and I" he said. I teared up and hugged him and kissed him. I hugged him for so so long that night

(wedding day)

"Okay everyone take your places" I heard Chelsea yelled as I sat in the limo waiting. Soon the driver came around and opened my door. "it's time ma'am" he said as he led me into the beautiful garden. "You look lovely ma'am" he said before he left. I waited until the song started playing and then I tucked my arms into my father's arms. "Ready pumpkin?" he smiled. I nodded nervously and we walked to the isle where a bunch of people were standing and gaping at my mermaid gown. I looked at Marcus who looked like he's gonna faint I can see him forcefully wiping his tears everyone 5 seconds. Of course I started crying and ruined my make-up. Everyone of my friends from school were here. Funny thing about this whole situation everyone is happy for me. No one and I mean no one has judged me since they've found out. Everyone love my whole forbidden love story so they support my marriages 100%.

The reception went by quick all I could think about was our honeymoon. Marcus and I are going to Paris. When the reception was over I said goodbye to my family and friends and so did Marcus. Too bad his parents are dead I think they would've like me.

We sat inside the limo as we made out. "I love you Mrs.Parker" he kept saying. MRS.PARKER I LIKE IT!. Each time he said it I returned it with "I love you more Mr. Parker" we made out for that whole day even in the private jet. When we arrived at Paris it was more beautiful than I thought. We went inside a hotel called D'mour and our room was Amaze-Balls. Marcus and I wasted no time we jumped in each others arms and did it right there. This went on for the whole honeymoon week.

Okay last chapter guys. :(

But I got a long epilogue ready for you guys so tune in it'll be out soon. Until then.

-xoxo Shay

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