Innocent no more

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I woke up to a smiling Cindy in front of my face. "Good morning Becky" she whispered. "hey Cindy what are you doing in my room?" I asked still a bit sleepy. "This is Daddy's room" she giggled. huh? I soon realized where I was. I was wrapped in Marcus's arms. The sheets were all messy and oh god I'm naked. I pulled the sheet over my chest quickly even though I was already covered I couldn't risk Cindy seeing me naked with her father in bed and start asking me questions. "uh Cindy can you go to your room for a bit I need to talk to your dad" I said nervously. "Why can't I stay?" She asked playing with her doll. "Uh its private baby" I said softly. She sighed and laughed "sure" she said skipping away. When the door was closed I shook Marcus awake. "Baby" I said softly. He opened his eyes slowly and smiled when he saw me. "hey beautiful" he said in a sexy and husky morning voice. Gosh even when he is just awakened he looks so gorgeous his skin is glowing in the sunlight and his lips is the perfect shade of pink and his hair is sexily ruffled from all the hair tangling I was doing last night. mmmmh last night!. "Enjoying the view?" he chuckled. "mmm hmm" I said smiling. He got on top of me and started kissing me and as usual I mess up his hair by tangling my fingers in it. He pulled away. "Are you ticklish?" he said still on top of me. My eyes widen. "Noo" i said. "Mhh i don't believe you". he said before attacking with his fingers. I laughed so hard at first but then suddenly I couldn't breath again. "Mar- Marcus" I said barely breathing. "Should've never lied". He laughed still tickling me. "I can't breath baby I can't" I said as my breath went away slowly. I could feel my skin becoming pale when Marcus saw this he quickly stopped and held my face to examine me. "Oh shit Becky" he said. I pointed to my bag which was on the floor. "My pills" I choked. He quickly jumped to the bag and pulled out my pills and giving me two. I swallowed hard it took about 10 seconds before the pills kicked in and finally my breath got back to normal. He got off the bed and walked to his large balcony with his hand in his hair. "Baby its OK I'm fine now" I said as I walked to him. "I didn't know you have asthma" he said tears coming down his face. "I'm fine baby don't cry". I said as I wrapped his arms around me. "I almost killed you" he said as he kissed the top of my head. "No you didn't I'm Okay baby I'm okay" I whispered in his chest. He held me there for a couple minutes before suggesting I get dressed while checking out my body and smiling. I ran back into the room and went to get dressed realizing I was out on his balcony naked. That bastard had on his boxers. "Asshole" I snapped. "you love it really" he chuckled.  Soon we were heading out to go home to get ready for school.

When we arrived at my house we made out in the car for a long amount of time. "Baby we have school I'm gonna be late". I giggled as he nibbled on my ears. "mmmh school is stupid" he grunted kissing my neck. "mmh you're a bad influence Mr.Parker" I moaned. "you have no idea" he whispered along my neck. I pulled away slightly. "Last night was amazing" I said as I placed my hands on his chest. "Yes I agree, you move like an expert, I mean in a good way" he said. I giggled at his nervousness. "it's OK babe I'm popular I've been fucked I'm not offended" I assured him. "but I was the best" he chuckled. I smiled at his cockiness. "yes you were sweety" I said truthfully. We kissed one last time and I went in my house. Its currently 6:30 which means I had about 29 minutes to get ready for school. My mom was asleep on the couch no doubt she's been drinking again. I walked upstairs to Megan's room and I saw the unbelievable. She was in bed with some boy From the football team, a senior named Cory, NAKED!. "oh god" I said covering my eyes and closing the door. God she's only 14 what the hell?. I didn't start having sex till I was like 15 and that was only lesbo sex with Katie I know that's still young but geesh she's only 14 what the hell was mom doing this whole time?. I walked to my room trying to collect my thoughts and soon I heard the front door closed and then my room opened. Thank god she was dressed. "Megan what the hell were you doing with that boy". I yelled. "keep it down Becky"she whispered. "sit down we should talk" she said. "like hell we should" I yelled. We sat on the bed and I waited for her to start. "His name is Cory" she started. "yeah and he's a senior, a popular football player jock who plays with girls like you" I said. "I know you said senior boys are bad for freshman's but he's sweet and he treats me right" she said. "that's what they do Megan, he F*cked Katie and dumped her in the morning and not to mention he's 18 and you're 14" I snapped. "he's not like that anymore. He loves me and no one's complaining about your 24 year old boyfriend and you're not even 18 yet" she sighed. "OK that's wayyy different and you know it" I half yelled. Poor Megan she was just gonna get hurt here she lets a dickhead take her innocence. "Whatever Becky mom cannot find out she'd freak" she begged. "I doubt she'd care she doesn't really care about anything anymore" I said. Megan looked down. "Fine I won't tell her but don't come crying when Cory leaves you I know him well enough to say that's what he'll do". I said. "Thank you" she said getting up. "oh and Becky" she said as she stopped. "yeah" I said. "I'm not some whore now" I'm not gonna like sleep with every guy I find" she said. Even though I was thinking it I nodded at her. Yep she's gonna be just like Chelsea by the time she's a senior she's gonna be as loose as air.

Well I know its short but I've been busy but anyway.

As of August 18 I have been starting school so I barely have any time in my hand. So please be patient with me guys




- Xoxo Shay.

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