Love is in the

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When we all headed out to meet our Families. Chelsea, Katie and I said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Don't worry we planned a week of vacation in Hawaii before we all really separate. I quickly spotted my family and ran to them. "Heyy" they all cheered when I arrived. I was showered with love and kisses and congrats. Cindy Jumped in my arms when she saw me. "Happy graduation" she squeaked as she hugged me. "aww thanks baby girl". I quickly spotted Marcus in the back of the crowd. "Hey baby girl imma go talk to daddy now" I said putting Cindy down. She smiled and skipped over to my family. "hey you" he said as I walked over to him. I then quickly jumped into his arms and Kissed him in front of everyone. I heard a few gasp but then I heard awws. I finally take in our freedom, where we can kiss in public without worrying about teachers watching us, where he don't have to worry about the police, we don't have to worry about the stupid law from forbidding us to be in love, we can love each other more than we have been, we are free, We don't have to hide anymore. He spun me around and slowly back down so my feet touch the ground "wow I can't believe you just did that?" Marcus said against my lips. " excuse me Mr. Parker were you just kissing a student I'm calling 911" my dean said interrupting us. "Um technically, she's no longer my student" Marcus laughed before missing me again. She stormed off in anger and everyone laughed. "I love you too much" he said. "I love you tons more". I replied. "impossible" he murmured.ight dinner is waiting" my mom said. Breaking us apart and smiling


We all sat at the large round table in the living room. It was Me, Mom, Dad, Megan, Cindy, and of course Marcus. I stood up and spoke. "Thank you everyone for being here and thank you mom for this wonderful meal everything looks so delicious and Most of all Thank you Marcus for bringing my Wonderful father here I am so happy he's here and without further do please dig in" I said as I sat next to Marcus. Everyone cheered and started eating. "So baby girl what do you plan on doing next year?" My dad asked. "I'm thinking a major in fashion" I said. He smiled bit into his steak. "It seems just like yesterday you were just a tiny marshmallow and now you are all grown up" my mom said. "Mom oh barf?" Megan said and made us laugh. "So Marcus what do you do?" My mom said. "I was a teacher but now I'm thinking maybe a lawyer" he said. "Daddy would make a bad lawyer he's too nice" Cindy said laughing and making us all laugh. We ate and chatted all night. My mom looks so happy seated next to my dad and smiling the widest I've ever seen, My dad looked equally happy, Megan was chatting and Giggling with Cindy, And Marcus was squeezing my hand occasionally gosh he seems so nervous about something. "You okay baby?" I whispered to him. " yeah its just.." He said. "What is it baby?" I said. He looked at me for a while then he stood up suddenly. "May I have everyone's attention please?" He said. What is he doing. Everyone stopped what they were doing and gave him their full attention. Suddenly he dropped to one knee and pulled out a box to reveal a beautiful crystal diamond ring. Oh my god!. "OMG I have to record this" Megan squealed. "Rebecca, Becky, Baby, I love you sooo much I haven't been so happy in a relationship with anyone for a long time that is until I saw you that day school, I knew that I loved you from that moment, You came into my life and helped me with my daughter who I hope one day will call you mommy." I started tearing up so so much is this really happening? "I have never felt this way about anyone before, You're the one, I love you so so much So Rebecca King Will you Marry me?" he said with nervous eyes. "yes"I chocked out. Everyone cheered and clapped as he slid the ring into my finger. I pulled him into a passionate kiss. I love him so.

"Omg so you guys are engaged" Chelsea yelled. "Yes my Mon thinks its a bit too early for marriage but she likes him and respects my desicion" I said. "Omg like damn beckster you are just rising" she said. "Something like that" I laughed. "Well I have to go babe but call me tomorrow and congrats love" she said. "Thanks" I said hanging up. Today is the best day ever.

Yayyyy right!!. I know it was short but I just couldn't help myself. I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did. I will be writing an Epilogue soon. The final chapter. Dun Dun Dun! :(

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