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Today was my first date night with Marcus. The house has changed so much since dad left so my mom couldn't care less what we do now. She even let me and Megan go to a high school party. I'm not worried though. She's been smiling more often and that's good enough for me. I took one last look in the mirror. I was wearing a cute green skater dress, I had my hair curled and to the side, my makeup was as usual pretty and simple, and I slipped on some cute black pumps and of course I had my dad's necklace around my neck. I heard a knock on the door. He's here!. "Becky Marcus is here" I heard my mom yell downstairs. "Coming" I yelled as I grabbed my purse. I strolled slowly down the stair and there he was. He looked as gorgeous as ever his perfect round red lips parted slightly, his dazzling hazel eyes sparkling in the light , he had on a black vest and dress pants and he stood there with a giant bouquet of flowers in his hand. When I finally reached him he leaned in and gave me a lingering kiss on the lips. "Hey" he whispered when he pulled away. "hi" I whispered back. "You look stunning" he said as he step back holding me arm length to check me out. I didn't mind too much. "Here for you my lady" he said handing me the bouquet of flowers. "Aww thank you baby" I said as I sniffed the flowers. They smell like lavender. He smiled and I walked to the kitchen and put my flowers in a vase. "bye mom don't wait up" I yelled as I left. "OK be safe sweetie and if you are not gonna come home call me and let me know" she yelled back. "I probably won't so don't wait up" I said truthfully. She smiled and nodded and headed upstairs.

"Marcus can I please take this stupid blindfold off now?" I growled as he led me in his house. "no I want it to be a surprise" he laughed. I sighed. "I've been to your house before I know how it looks like" I groaned. He chuckled and pulled the blindfold off. His house was away from public so we had the date there. We were in his backyard but it doesn't look the same. The giant patio had pink and red decorations all over beautiful candles and they smelled divine. There was a table for two in the middle and it had a Dancing candle in the middle it was neatly arranged everything was perfect. "so uh what do you think?" he muttered nervously while scratching his head. "I love it" I said kissing him. "all for you baby" he said. "wow Marcus it's so stunning beyond belief". I said as I admired the beautiful decors.

The night was perfect Marcus told me a ton of stories about how he used to be fat and was almost obese he told me how he used to get bullied and he was so unpopular and a nerd. It made me sad a little hearing everything. We were laughing about how ugly Sarah had look when she had came to drop off Cindy, then the unexpected happened. "I love you so much" I said. The words were out before I could stop them. oh god. What have I done? He stopped laughing and looked at me with wide eyes clearly shocked my statement. Oh crap! I finally find a man who makes me happy and now I've ruined everything. But I really do love him. He makes me so happy. He started at me searching my eyes and soon tears started flowing. I dropped my face in my hand and wept. "Oh no no no baby no" he said coming to my side. When I looked UP at him he had a a soft smile on his face. "I love you too" he whispered. "wait you do? or are you just saying it back?" I said unsurely. "I was gonna wait till later tonight to tell you but you obviously beat me to it, I just didn't know what to expect, and when you said it I was so relieved it paralyzed me". he said. I smiled as he wiped the tears off my face. "Cmon let's go upstairs" he said as he stood on his legs and he grabbed my hand a led me upstairs. "why?" I said as I stood. He pulled me to him and kissed my lips. "Because I'm gonna make love to you" he mumbled against my lips. Err what?.

Hey guys sorry for the late update I just started school and my geometry homeworks takes up much of my time. I'll try to update more often again. Thanks for reading -coconut Shay.

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