More Trouble

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I drove Megan to school and went to class. "Where were you last night I called you tons of time" Chelsea squeaked when she I reached my locker. "I was with Marcus" I said blushing at the memory. "wait a minute was that a blush?" she said. I blushed again. "you had sex with him didn't you?" she giggled. "hey guys" Katie said greeting us. "Becky had sex with Mr.Parker" Chelsea babbled quickly. Katie's face lit up. "Oh My Gawwwdd no way" I rolled my eyes. "I never even said that" I muttered. "but your face did your glowing like a candlelight" Chelsea giggled. "I know how a girl looks after she had some action" she added. "How was it?" Katie blurted out. "look I'll tell you guys everything at lunch right now I have a test to take so Chao" I said annoyed. They nodded and everyone went their ways.

It was lunchtime and I was feeling excited I can't wait to tell the girls about last night. I sat at our usual spot under the shade of the tree in the courtyard. Soon I spotted them rushing over to me. "Okay spill" Chelsea said when they were seated. "What do you wanna know?" I giggled. "How was he?" Katie said. "He was....AMAZING" I said finally. "Oh god I knew itttt" Chelsea said. "So his dick game was a 10+" Katie giggled. "It was like nothing I've felt before, he was so gentle yet hard it was a combined passion with roughness" I sighed at the memory. "He took full control and that turned me on so much and he is so seductive" I explained. "and God his mouth" I said. "Oh no he did not" Chelsea gaped. "He did" I said. "he used it down there?" Katie said. "And it was toungue-licious " I said. They were staring at me with an open mouth. "I'm so jealous" Chelsea squeaked. "goodness me too" Katie added. I giggled at them and we continued on to talking about our recent sex.

After lunch I walked to 4th period with Chelsea. "God Becky your glowing like an angel seriously" she giggled I blushed and walked into Marcus's classroom. We sat at our usual spot. During the lesson Marcus took a few glances at me and blushed making me blush also. "You two are adorable" Chelsea muttered. I smiled then suddenly someone burst through the door. Everyone jumped at the sudden entrance. There stood three angry policemen. "Marcus Parker?" one of the officers said. "yes may I help you" Marcus said completely not scared. "You're under arrest for sex with a minor" He said as one of the policemen came over and cuffed him. "What" he said as they pushed him out the door. "Is there a Rebecca King in here?" The same officer said again. "Y-yes that's me" I said shyly and shaky. "Come with me ma'am" he said. I quickly grabbed my things and stood up. Chelsea had a wide eyes and I know she'll probably start crying. I stared at the class of girls who had shocked look on their faces. I put my head down and followed the officer out. Outside stood Marcus in cuffs with an officer behind him the officer was inside with the students and the Principal was out. "We're taking you both downtown for questioning until then no contact is to be made between you two and Parker you have the right to remain silent, Anything you say or do will be used against you in court" He said firmly at him. Marcus nodded and gave me an "I'm sorry" look. My eyes got watery. "you can't do this we didn't do anything" I said crying. "we have enough evidence to take both you and him down" the officer said leading us out of the school. oh no. "WELL I WANT MY FUCKING LAWYER" I yelled. The Officer turned and looked at me obviously pissed at me remark. "Well you can have a lawyer when you reach downtown till then you do as we say got it". he snapped. I rolled my watery eyes and got in the backseat of his car. While the other officer took Marcus to the one behind us. Marcus is going to jail. Because of me. What about Cindy? who will take care of her? He must hate me now. I can't blame him look what IVE done. His Life is ruined and where the fuck is my mom?" I suddenly start having another panic attack. The same as before. I start panting hard and I held onto my chest. Then I remembered the pills in my bag. I quickly gulped two down and I still kept breathing hard but I can feel the pills kicking in I was breathing less hard and less. "You OK back there ma'am?"the officer said. "I'm fine not that you care" I snapped. "juuust checking" he chuckled. I Hate him.

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