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*what happened at the hospital*

"Okay everything today has been messing with my head today" My mom said as she paced back in forth. She had her arms crossed and she was about to give a lecture. oh boy. "Alright so let me get this straight you are my daughter's English teacher and supposedly her boyfriend?" my mom said to Marcus. He nodded nervously. "I should be pressing charges, this is illegal". she said. oh no. I squeezed Marcus's hand nervously. "But uh you seem like a nice young man, and you obviously care a lot about Becky" she continued. "yes ma'am she's my world" Marcus said nervously "So therefore, I approve". she sighed. I smiled a wide smile I can't believe she approves. "Thank you ma'am and I promise I will never hurt Becky" he assured her. She smiled. "well okay then, I'll leave you two alone and I'll be back in a few" she sighed before she closed the door.

I looked up at Marcus. He smiled sweetly at me and bent down to kiss me. "I'm so sorry about your dad" he said as he released me. I sighed. Oh my daddy!. Suddenly tears started streaming down my face. Marcus bent down and gave me a gentle hug as I wept on his shoulder. How can my dad be going to the military? What if he dies in a bomb or something? Oh my god I can't loose my dad he's such a great man. I take him for granted sometimes but he's my everything. He taught me to ride a bike, he took us to Disneyland, and he always gives me what I want. I can't loose him I don't know how I'll be. Suddenly I started crying even more. Marcus sat down and scooted next to me. We sat there for a few minutes like that until I was all cried out.

After Marcus had left to go back home, Megan, Katie and Chelsea walked in. "Okay so you're dating Mr.Parker and you didn't tell me!" Katie yelled. She's like a second best friend, she was my best friend when Chelsea moved away for two years because her parents were having financial problems, so basically Chelsea came back and we sorta drifted apart a little, she's basically that friend I call and talk to when I'm mad at Chelsea and she puts up with it, she's the friend I have movie nights with so we are pretty close. "umm I forgot?" I said unsurely. "I can't believe you kept this from me Becky, I'm your best friend us three Me, you, and Chelsea we are the three musketeers we don't keep things like this from each other". she said quickly. "I'm sorry Katie it will never happen again" I said. She nodded and then smiled widely. "So Mr.Parker huh?" she said. "yep" Chelsea said. "Is he as good as he looks?" Katie giggled. "what do you mean?" I asked confused. "Is he good in bed silly?" Megan yelled. I giggled "well I don't know yet" I said. They all looked at me in shock. "what" I said to them. "you mean you haven't had sex with him yet?" Chelsea said as if I've done something naughty. "That is sooo crazyy" Katie said. "what we haven't brought up the subject". I said. "so that day I went to His house you guys didn't eff-you-see-Kay" Megan said in shock. "NO eww his daughter was home for gods sake" I said in disgust. "so you are dating one of the sexiest man ever and you haven't opened your legs to him yet?" Katie exclaimed. I sighed. "Becky you've had a lot of boyfriends more than I can count" Chelsea said. "actually 27" I said. "yeah whatever and you had sex with everyone of them except the sexiest one you have" she Said in disgust. "actually I only had sex with 4" I corrected her. "wait Becky you've had 27 boyfriends" Megan said completely off topic. "that's nothing Katie had 42 and Chelsea had at least 60" I said. "That's not the point he's sexy you're sexy and popular I don't see why you guys aren't ripping each other's clothes off already he's obviously ready-" "wait what" I Interrupted Chelsea. "oh you don't see the way he stares at your ass when you walk, he stares at your boobs, and he wants that pussy" Chelsea said "eww how do you know that" I said in disgust. "oh please everyone knows it" she said. "okay he totally wants you" Megan said. "no I think he would've told me if he wanted to have sex" I said. " oh he does, I'm sure he's just waiting on you" Katie said. "okay how do y'all know he wants to have sex with me" I said. "You're Becky King everyone wants to have sex with you I had sex with you and it was great" Katie said. oh yeah. The summer before our junior year Katie and I had lesbian sex during movie night, it was curiosity and we were having fun so it was nothing. "you had sex with a girl?" Megan said. "I had sex with a girl too its no biggy just curious freshman and sophomore shit" Chelsea said. Megan's mouth dropped. we all giggled and talked some more that night it was a good distraction from my whole dad's situation.

oooo Didn't expect that to happen. I'm just thinking as I go I have no idea what I'm gonna do next. Anyways, Vote, Comment and follow, But mostly vote lol. -xoxo shay.

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