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"Hey Becky wait up" it was Chelsea. I stopped until she reached me.

"you look flushed are you OK" She said.

wow is that obvious?.

"yes I'm fine" "you sure" she asked again. I nodded

"well next week we have cheer tryouts not for us because me, you, and Katie are seniors so we are automatically in and since we've been cheering since 9th grade year we are official captains" she explained quickly.

Wow this girl can talk.

"I miss the girls from last year, I mean like they're the reason we became popular and stuff, now they're in college and all" I said.

We both sighed at the thought of 9th grade year and how much fun it was and how popular we became.

"Becky" I heard my name again. Oh right Megan. She reached me and we all started walking to the car.

Chelsea had caught a ride with Nathan who is by the way now in college, while I'm sitting here listening to Megan blabbering about her first day in high school.

"-and there was this boy I think he liked me I hate my teachers there horrible-" she continued talking nonsense and I patiently was supportive and nodding.

"how was your day?" she asked. "Normal it was good I guess" she just sat there "really that's all?" she added "well yeah" she nodded and then went on her phone.

For the rest of the ride we were quiet and I turned on the radio to KBP 108.2 FM we jammed to one direction and fifth harmony until we pulled up to the house and hopped out the car.

"I'm gonna go to my friends house down the street bye!" Megan said taking off out the door.

I climbed upstairs and hoped on my bed for the rest of the day all I did was watch TV and jammed.

This chapter was super short I know. I was a bit lazy but longer chapters are ahead.

My Teacher My Lover |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now