He Is So gorgeous!

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My first three classes seemed to go by so slow. 1st period was my least favorite subject Math with a bitchy teacher called "Ms.Daniels"

2nd was Chorus with Mr.Patrick, 3rd I had science with Mr.Drew and now I was walking nervously to Mr.Parker's class.

"Hey wait up Beckerrsss" yelled Chelsea behind me. "Hey Chels" "ooo you sound nervous" I laughed a little. "no of course not"."are you sure you can handle Mr. sexy"

"1st off his name is Mr.Parker and 2nd I'm not nervous at all" "well good cause we're here" I stopped to take a breath before walking in.

Seated in a chair facing the board was a man with smooth dark brown hair that's all I could collect before being dragged by an anxious Chelsea.

"what" I asked. "just wait till you see his face sweetie" she giggled. I rolled my eyes at her and decided to keep myself busy with my phone which was NOT in my pocket!.

I was patting my pocket for my phone but I couldn't find it. "Looking for this" I heard a deep manly voice say.

I looked up at the most beautiful man I have ever seen his eyes were a little light brown his lips were a nice round-like shape, his hair was so silky and smooth, he looked so young, in fact so young enough to be in high school.

It wasn't until Chelsea pinched me did I realized I was staring too long at him. "oh uh thanks" I managed to let out before grabbing my phone out of his large smooth hand.

He smiled and walked towards the front of the classroom. "I told you" whispered Chelsea as she giggled.

I just ignored her and pay attention to Mr. Parker again.

"Alright welcome seniors, my name is Mr.Parker I will be your English teacher this year, um a little bout me, I'm 24 years old this is my first year teaching, I like sports um I actually attended this school when you all were in middle school". he said. "any questions before I take the attendance".

Every girl in the class quickly raised there hands even Chelsea. He smiled politely and pointed to a girl named Maggy but I noticed he glanced at me before turning to her.

Or maybe I'm delusional.

"are you single Mr. Parker" please say no please.... . he chuckled a little, that sexy chuckle mmmmh. "um actually yes, I happen to be single" he said in annoyance I could tell he's been asked that the whole day.

All the girls stated giggling. Another girl named Susan raised her hand. He pointed at her, "Mr.Parker do you like chocolate girls?" she asked.

Geesh these girls are something else.

He chuckled again "I don't have a particular choice in race I honestly like all girls of all shades" he explained. "oooooo" all the girls said in unison and giggles filled the air.

Wow Desperate chicks.

"Okay let's get to the attendance" Mr. Parker said quickly. I could tell he was uncomfortable. I noticed that there were no boys in this class which was weird. He called everyone's name and each girl had a pitch contest to sound girly and feminine or something for Mr.Parker.

whores. I giggled.

"Rebecca King" I heard my name and OMG my name has never sounded so sexy before.

"uh Here" I muttered. He paused and looked at me before shaking his head and smiling at the sheet checking off my name.

"Omg he just blushed" I heard Chelsea whisper to me. "what? he did not." I gasped in disbelief. "yes he did" she giggled.

I couldn't help but smile a little.

Comment guys! Go crazy! lol I just wanna hear what you guys have to say but please don't forget to vote!! I love you guys ❤️

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