I love You (Marcus's Point of view)

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I sat in the cold cell. I recognize one of the few people in there Cory. "wa-ho wattup Mr. Parker" he laughed. "hey there Cory what you in for?" I muttered. "I robbed a bank with my homies" he said pointing to 4 gentleman. I shook my head. "What did you do man" he said. "I didn't do anything they think I'm sleeping with a student" I lied. "wA-ho who man?" he yelled. "Rebecca King" I sighed. "oh yeah she's pretty hot man I almost hit one time but her friend Katie was hot too and she was feeling me so I banged her instead. Now I'm banging her sister she's so tight man cause she's a fresh meat she think we're in love or something haha wait till she find out where I'm gonna be for 4 years oh that's gonna be a great way to tell her its over" I wanted to jump at him and punch him in the throat. But instead I just put my face in my hands and thought about Becky and Cindy God I miss them both right now. "I got busted man" Cory said. I ignored him kept thinking. I put my head and I saw a passed out Cory idiot. In the corner of my eyes I saw familiar figure at the phone. It's her. She looks so wonderful she's doing that stressed face. God she's such a hard head sometimes one of the many things I love about her. She's talking and pacing. She hung up and Diales someone else she took a while before hanging up. Then she went and sat down facing me. She looked more relieved. "Did you tell them?" I mouthed at her hopefully I know she can read lips, She and Chelsea do it in my class all the time. "No" she mouthed.

"What did you say" I mouthed again. She looked to be reading and writing and I figured she told them we have tutoring sessions or something. "tutoring?" I mouthed again. She nodded. I smiled glad that I have such a smart girlfriend. "I love you" I mouthed at her. "I love you too" she mouthed back getting emotional. Another thing I love about her she's always getting all teary when she's happy. I smiled and we stared at each other. Until an officer came and grabbed me. I can see the panic in her eyes. I wanted to tell her everything will be fine. I have The 2nd best lawyer in America and I already know I'm gonna be out of this mess by tomorrow but she doesn't know that.

* Marcus's point of view *

The officer sat me down in a chair facing a giant black glass. I've seen this in the show I know how this goes. "Mr. Parker Do you know why you're here?" a Tall man in his mid 40s said. "Yeah you people think I'm screwing an high schooler" I smiled at him. "Yeah something like that" he said. "you're being charged with sex with a minor you could be sentenced up to 10 or more years in prison" he said. "yes I know" I said. "alright then"

He started asking me a whole bunch of questions which I lied about soon my lawyer walked in yelling and demanding my release she threatened to sew unless they dropped all charges I'm sure they recognized her because as soon as she said this they agreed to drop charges and let me go. Yep she's pretty scary. I screwed Tania a while ago but we've became good friends and she's also my lawyer. Once we were out of the police station she drove me home in her car. "A high schooler Marcus really are you that desperate?" she laughed as she drove. "How'd you know I did" I asked. "it's obvious Marcus you must really like her this girl" she giggled. "yeah she's pretty awesome" I smiled. "I know if you didn't you'd dump her already like you did to me that night" she laughed. "ayee quit bringing up the past" I laughed. "yeah my husband has done me some good" she laughed. "I can't believe you guys fell in love in like 2 Months" I said. "he's hot I'm rich it's fate" she giggled. "yeah" I sighed. "everything okay?" she said. "oh yeah I'm just excited to see Cindy" I smiled. "Wait Cindy as in your daughter" she yelled. Oh I forgot to tell her. "Oh yeah her mom abandoned her and gave her to me" I said. "wow really I wish I could talk to her but I gotta run". she said as she stopped in my driveway. "alright well thanks again Tania I appreciate it" I said as I left. "anytime babes just call me if you need me" she said pulling out.

I unlocked the door and Skittles ran towards me. "Hey there boy geesh I missed you too" I laughed as he gave me kisses. "DADDYY YOU'RE BACK" Cindy screamed coming down the stairs. I opened my arms and she leaped in. "hey baby girl" I said to her. I quickly notified Mary that I was home and she went home. I finished tucking Cindy in bed and went to bed. I tried calling and texting Becky but she didn't pick up or answer. Eventually I fell fast asleep.

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