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*10 years later*

"CINDY" I yelled. "Gosh Marcus she's not gonna wake up go get her now" I yelled to Marcus. "But what about Austin his diaper is full" he said as he held up Little Austin our 3 month old son. "Uggh change him I'll go get Cindy" I said going up the stairs. I knocked on Cindy's door. No answer, so I opened the door slightly. "Hey Cindy-rella wake up sweetie" I said. "Ughhh 1 more minute" she growled under her sheets. I opened the curtains wide. "Mom what the hell!?" She yelled. "Watch your language young lady" I said as I left. "And you better be downstairs ready for school in 30 minutes" I said closing the door. I headed downstairs. "Look baby I finally did it" Marcus said holding up Austin in the air. "O my god put him down" I said. He put Austin down and laughed. "That's not funny he could've fell you asshole" I said pouting. "Your so hot when you pout baby" he chuckled coming close to my face and kissing me. "Ughh I can't stand you" I said. "You know you love me" he said wrapping his arms around me. "Baby where is our other child" I said. His eyes widen. "Oh you know the one who starts 1st grade today" I said crossing my arms. "I forgot to pick her up from Chelsea's" he said. I sighed "uggghh god Marcus you're killing me here" I said. "OK I'll take Cindy to school OK I could give her some tips on high school on the way and stuff" he said. "Yeah Baby its just high school its nothing she can't handle" I said. I grabbed my purse and put Austin in his chair. He was fast asleep.

I drove as fast as I could to Chelsea's house. She's married to a sexy doctor named Marc and she has two beautiful kids. Kelsey and Kyle fraternal twins a boy and a girl, they're both 6 just like my daughter, Chloe. I took Austin out of the car and carried his chair to Chelsea's door. She opened it. "Ughh I'm so sorry chels Marcus forgot her again. I said. "No worries Marc already drove them to school I let her borrow some of Kelsey's clothes" she said inviting me in. I took a seat on her couch and put Austin down. "So how is he?" She asked. "Austin, oh he's great-" "I meant Marcus silly I know people were finding out about your illigal marriage and tried to sue" she said. "Marcus won every single case and any charges that can be pressed against us are all filled" I explained. "Awww is he still sexy" she asked. "Uggh yes it make me mad, I'm almost 29 and he just turned 34 and he looks like he's still 20 and I look freaking 50" I said. "Nonsense you look great baby" she said laughing. I smiled. "And you look amazing as always and by the way I'm loving the haircut" I said. "Thanks babe, I was tired of my chic teenage look, I wanted a classy grown up look, one that says..........Power Mom" she said. I smiled. "Well listen I'd love to stay and chat but I have a 15 year old at school who will be hungry when she gets back so I have some grocery shopping to do". I said getting up. We exchanged kisses on the cheek and I left. For some reason Austin decided to wake up and yell like a maniac in the middle of traffic so I had to get him and feed him his bottle while driving.

After grocery shopping I decided to stop by my parents house. "Mom, Dad" I said. "Oh hey there sugar ohhh give me Austin" my mom said kissing me and grabbing Austin from my arms. I giggled at her. "Where's dad?" I said. He's out in the back trying to build a doghouse for Skippy" my mom said. I laughed "OK where's Megan" I asked. "Uhhh we don't know exactly" she said. I sighed. Ever since Cory got out of jail, Megan had went wild. I'm talking smoking, drinking,doing drugs, partying, dropped out of school, went to jail for a few months. She's changed a lot and now she basically don't want any of us in her life anymore she just wants to be with Cory who by the way is a jerk. "Did you call her?" I asked. "Umm I didn't need to, she came here a few nights ago and packed up all her stuff and moved in with Cory, we tried to stop her but uhhh..." She said. "But what" I said. She started crying "she pulled a gun out and threatened to shoot me and your father" she said. I shook my head in disbelief. "What" I said. "She's gone Becky and she's not coming back her and that boy toy of hers could rot in hell for all I care". She said. I sighed. My innocent little sister has changed and now she owns a gun what the hell has Cory done to her.

After talking to my mom a and my dad I finally left their house. I went back home and Marcus was on the couch on his laptop. I sat on the couch next to him and held Austin and my arms as he slept. "Long day?" Marcus said. I nodded. "Wanna talk about it" he said. "It Megan again" I said. He sighed and put the lap top down and scooted closer to me and kissed my for head. "Look I know you might think there's hope for her but I don't think so sweetie sometimes people change and you have to accept it and move on" he said. I sighed " you're right" I said. He kissed me. "So how's our little Angel" he said looking at Austin. I smiled. "Here get him" I said slowly giving him over. He smiled And took Austin in his arms. I smiled as I watched them together.

"So how was everyone's day?" I asked as we all sat for dinner. "Umm mines was good high school is cool I guess" Cindy said. "That's it?" I said. She nodded "uhhh yeah" she said. "OK how about you Chloe how was your day?" I said. "I lovvve first grade" she squeaked. "Yeah?" Marcus said. "Yes it was fantastic" he said clapping her small chubby hands. "Ohh strong vocabulary"I said. "Yeah and I also know, humongous and flabbergasted and gigantic" she said loudly. I smiled as I watched her blabber on. I looked at Cindy she was on her phone and then I looked at Austin who was trying so hard to eat his own food but was smearing his face then I looked at Marcus, my love, my everything my gorgeous husband who is so sweet and loving, he was watching Chloe blabber on and smiling with her. I have such a beautiful family one I'd be willing to die for and give up everything for, sure I would have to be 12 to have given birth to Cindy but she is still my daughter. In this family age is nothing but a number to us.

I got ready for bed and climbed on the bed next to Marcus. I layed my head on my pillow. "Marcus I love you so much" I said. He looked over at me. "I know I love you too" he said. "I'm so proud of us, we got through everything and now we have a lovely family" I said. He smiled "yeah and I have the most beautiful wife on this planet" he said kissing me passionately. I smiled at him and we went to sleep.

You see, no matter what obstacles you face on the way, true love is always worth fighting for, no matter how many mountains you have to climb, no matter how many sacrifices you have to make, when you love someone it doesn't matter. Never give up on something special. Imagine if Becky and Marcus broke up the minute Marcus was arrested then she would've probably ended up having a completely totally different life. But they chose to fight and believe and love.


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