Graduation part 2

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I was turned around and there stood Marcus. "Baby" I squeaked as I jumped into his arms. I looked around to make sure no one was around. We're good. I kissed him passionately this time I don't have to get on my tipie toe because I was wearing heels which made me a little close to his height yep he was still taller than me standing at 5'9 and me only 5'2 and 5'5 with heels. "Thank you so much". I said against his lips. "what for?" he chuckled against my lips. "for bringing my dad" I said as I released from his grip. "oh right that" he chuckled. "That was a great surprise baby thank you". I said as I pecked him on the lips again. "I have one more surprise for you later" he said. "ooo there's more??" I said in excitement. "yes but your graduation starts in like 15 minutes you better hurry". he said ushering me to the door. He kissed me one last time and I headed off into the building. I was looking around when I saw Chelsea and Katie burst though a door. "Where have you been people were waiting on you cmon the ceremony is about to start". Katie practically screamed as they both led me into the room. "Oh goodness gracious Rebecca King you are late you should have been here 20 minutes ago". Ms. Peirce said when she saw me. "cmon now quickly quickly". she said leading us backstage which was ten times larger than my school's backstage. Everyone got in position and Chelsea and I stood together and she stood in front of me with the same last name and all. Katie is Brooke so she goes to the front of the line. Soon We marched into the giant stadium where a huge crowd surrounded us. We sung the national anthem and the principal gave an emotional speech and gave the trouble makers a shout out. Chelsea, Me, Katie, a boy name Griffin and a boy named Patrick. "You guys were the biggest pains in my butt throughout these 4 years" he had said. When all the speeches were done we were all handed our Diplomas. "EVERYONE RISE" the principal said to us when everything was over. Chelsea and I squeezed each other's hands. "CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2014" The principal yelled. Everyone threw their hats in the air and cheered in joy. I of course burst into tears and hugged Chelsea who was also in tears We then hugged Katie who was pooling tears also. "I'm gonna miss you guys so much" I cried. "Gosh you guys are such cry babies" Chelsea said still crying. We all laughed still in tears. I got accepted to a local college in California. Chelsea was accepted in juliard Music school in new York considering her amazing piano skills Yes I didn't know about that till like a month ago. Apparently she's been playing since elementary school. She and Nathan got an Apartment in New York. And Katie is going to UCF down in Florida. Everything was Ending so quickly. It made me so sad.

Yes everything is ending. :( But no worries I still have more coming.

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