Passionate Night

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"Where is everyone?" I asked as we headed up the stairs. "Oh I asked Mary to watch Cindy and skittles for the night and she agreed" he said. "oh OK" I said happily. He stopped at his door and smiled at me. "What?" I asked blushing at his stare, "You're just so amazing" he said making my cheeks burn even more. "Well you're not so bad either" I said as he smiled at me. "I'm so glad I met u and I cannot wait till the day when we won't need approval from the world anymore " He said as he kissed my cheek then He opened the door to a romantic candle lit paradise. It was so peaceful and there were pedals on the floor. "This is gorgeous" I said in awe. "I wanted our first time to be special but only if you want to I mean I don't wanna pressure you or anything" he explained.  "yeah of course I want to but you should probably know I'm not a virgin" I said in shame. He chuckled and closed the door "Me either baby but it doesn't matter who has been in there" he said as he stepped closer to me. He leaned in and started planting soft kisses down my neck I let out a moan. His hand traveled up my thigh and his finger went in that place. It felt so good. I let out a soft moan again. "Forget those little boys who's ever been in here" he said as he pushed his finger in more making me jump. "I own this now its mine now understand baby?" he whispered huskily in my ears as he circled around in the place some more. I nodded "yes" I moaned barely breathing. I like this Marcus. "good" he said as he pulled his finger out and to my surprise he licks it. He's never been so sexy. I bit my lip as he kissed my neck some more. I slid off his vest and his shirt and his pants  and soon he stood there only in his boxers. He's so hot. He continued kissing me everywhere and led me by the bed I took off my shoes and once again there was that giant height difference again making me lift on my tipie toe  and he unzipped the back of my dress slowly and Also placing tiny kisses down my spinal cord. He's so gentle. Most of the guys I slept with would've been done by now and leaving. I stood there in my bra and panties he smiled and started passionately kissing me. He placed me on the bed and got on top of me still not breaking the kiss this was magical he kissed a few places down my body some more and he inserted his fingers That place again making me jump and he unhooked my bra and sucked my tits soon we were lost in each other's worlds but mostly me. I think.

Arggh I wanted to keep it as pg as possible please don't report me. I just wanted them to finally hit it off and you guys probably did too. But tell me what y'all think and Don't forget to vote vote vote and also comment and follow. -xoxo shay

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