His Home

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Its currently 6:00 pm. Marcus and I were still at the mall hanging out. Nathan and Chelsea left two hours ago. "I'm tired we should go to my place". Marcus yawned. I giggled "we've been dating for only 7 hours and you already want me at your place". "arggh I didn't mean it in that way" he chuckled. "well I'll have to follow your car since I brought mines with me here. "OK" he said as we headed towards our cars.

Marcus seemed to live in a really nice neighborhood, in fact it looks like where rich people lived. Suddenly his car stopped in front of a large gate. He stopped for a bit and the gate opened letting us in. I drove steady behind him. The house was huge there was a a giant fountain in the middle of his circular driveway. I parked behind him. His house Was a Mansion its so beautiful. Is Marcus rich?. I got out of the car grabbing my keys and my phone. "This is my house" Marcus said when he was out of his car. "wow" I breathed. "Cmon there someone I want you to meet" he said leading me in his home. He unlocked his giant door and inside is way more beautiful than outside. He had a giant stairway in the middle and tall glass chandeliers the tile on the floor was so neat and everything was just perfect. Suddenly I heard a bark. A doggie? Coming from the kitchen towards us was a big fluffy golden retriever. Its so cute. He ran towards me jumping on me and licking my face. "Aww" I giggled. "that's skittles he's my dog" Marcus said coming down to pet him with me. "aww he's so cute I love him already" I said petting the beautiful dog. "Alright boy, Backyard" Marcus said pointing towards his backyard. Skittles barked before heading to the backyard. "He's awesome" I muttered. Marcus grabbed my hand leading me towards a dark room. "I'm glad you liked him" he said stopping in the room. He turned on the light in inside was a beautiful home theater. "wow" I said as he lead me to a seat and we sat. "No offense but how are you so rich and you're only a teacher?" I asked. He chuckled softly. "none taken, and the reason I'm so rich is because my parents are rich and so by law that makes me rich, meaning I could be a garbage man and still have mad money in my bank account just for having my parents names in my birth certificate". he explained. "wow that must be great" I sighed. "No I wish, you see money isn't everything love, I have all this space but no one to share it with, My older sister is married and currently pregnant with her 3rd child while I'm here all alone". He sighed. oh. "but I have you now and that gives me hope" he mumbled before grabbing my hand he stood me up and seated me on his lap. We then started kissing passionately. "Mr.Parker sir" a older lady was standing in the doorway, she was short and has curly orange hair she had an apron and I'm assuming she's the maid. "oh right baby this is Mary my maid and Mary This is Rebecca" Marcus said briefly. "hello miss Rebecca" Mary nodded to me. "hello Mary please call me Becky" I said. She smiled and nodded. "sir um uh well Sarah is here and she brought Cindy" she said. Marcus quickly stood up almost making me fall he didn't apologize he just walked out quickly and Both Mary and I followed nervously behind. Marcus looked angry. Who is Sarah? who is Cindy? why is Marcus so angry at them?

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