The kiss

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This movie sucks. The book was way better. Edward is just stalking Bella like a creepy pervert like omg creep!.

I looked over to where Nathan and Chelsea were devouring each other. I rolled my eyes. We were all seated all the way in the back because that's my favorite spot.

I glanced towards Marcus. He was on his phone playing angry birds. I smiled to myself and he caught me staring.

He let out a soft chuckle, "enjoying the view" he laughed. He's been flirting like this with me all week by now I know he likes me and he knows I like him.

I think.

But bottom line is, he's my teacher and I'm a student and things can't go further that.

"nahh I think the guy next to you is way cuter" I lied.

We both looked over to where a boy with a giant purple Mohawk was seated, and now I regretted what I just said.

Marcus laughed and grab my hand . "where are we going" I whispered as he stood up. "Outside to get fresh air" he whispered.

"But what about them" I whispered pointing to Nathan and Chelsea who were still making out. Chelsea looked at me still kissing Nathan and ushered me to go.

I nodded and followed Marcus out.

We stopped by at a near bench next to a tree. It was quiet out and everyone was inside watching a movie or in the mall shopping.

We had reached the quiet park next to the mall and we were taking fresh air under this tree. "that movie sucks I honestly expected better". he said as we sat down.

"yeah I agree the twilight book was way better" "seriously, they made Edward seem like a creepy stalking maniac" I giggled a little.

"I like it when you giggle, its cute" he muttered. I blushed. "wow you know you blush a lot" he laughed. "I do not" I say pushing his chest a little and blushing.


"yes you do and you just did again" he said "argh" I said feeling my cheeks heat up once again, I hid my face with my hands.

He scooted in slowly taking my hands out of my face. "don't hide, you're beautiful". he whispered.


He started leaning in.

oh shit oh shit.

I leaned in and closed my eyes next thing I know his lips were crashed against mines, his soft long tongue exploring my mouth, I reached up cup his neck, he grabbed my waist scooting me so I can get closer, as if that were possible.

He stopped to look at me and we were painting hard, he crashed into my mouth again and I cupped his face as he held onto my waist.

Oh my gosh I'm kissing my teacher, my sexy teacher.

I couldn't believe what was happening I want him so bad, I want this man, and by now I think its safe to say he wants me.

We stopped and he smiled at me I was still breathing hard, our foreheads kept our balance together and I was still painting hard.

He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "Be mine" he whispered. "Marcus we can't" I whispered.

"but we did" he whispered. "what if-" "we won't". I pulled away. "I don't want you to lose your job" I said in a shaky voice. "it'll be worth it" he said. "And what about jail, I'll fuck up your record" I said still shaking. He grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips placing a small soft kiss on it. "It'll be worth it baby"

baby I'm his baby oh what the hell.

"Okay" I said.  "you'll be my girlfriend?" he asked in excitement. "yes I will" he then stood up grabbing me up with him and spin me around.

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