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Today is the day my dad leaves for Afghanistan. We were all sitting in the living room. Everyone was here. My Grandparents on my dad's side, my Mom My sister, Chelsea and her parents, Katie and her parents, and of course me. Marcus couldn't risk being here or we'd get caught so he stayed home. Megan, Chelsea, Katie and I have been excused from school Their parents and ours are pretty close so they cane to support us. We all sat quietly as me my mom and Megan wept softly. "uh would anyone like a drink?" my mom said barely talking. Everyone shook their heads no. I can't believe this might be the last time I ever see my dad. Suddenly the door opened. Everyone stood up straight. My dad walked in with camouflaged shirt and pants and a combat boot. His head was shaved and there were a little remaining hair on top he looked so tired and sad. I couldn't hold it anymore I ran and sprung in his arms and held on tighter than I've ever before. I cried on his shoulder and he hugged me tight I finally let go so others could greet him. After everyone had hugged him we went back to the living room and he sat down in his chair. "I wanna start off by thanking everyone for coming". he said. "I know that this must be hard on all of you its hard on me too. I was at work the other day and The chief of the military came in and told me the news. The reason I was drafted was because I used to participate in many military services when I was younger. I'll have to serve for 3 years. And then I can come home. I can't really know what to expect but I've been told its not pretty. I'm gonna miss all of you and I just hope this isn't goodbye forever. I'm going to serve my country for you guys and every other loyal citizens in this country. All I ask is that you keep me in your prayers and I'll keep you guys in mines. He said. "But it's not fair daddy they can't do this" Megan cried. "come here Meggy" my dad said as Megan came to sit on his lap. "I'm doing this to protect you and everyone in this room" he said while wiping her tears away. Then he lit up the room by changing the subject. "anyone caught the heat and spurs game last night" he laughed a fake laugh. "yeah I did it was great" Chelsea's dad said playing along. Soon everyone was in the conversation. Except me, I still didn't want my Daddy to leave I was on the edge of tears and everyone was so happy so I couldn't let them see me cry and kill the happy mood. "excuse me" I said in a shaky voice and I quickly walked upstairs to my room and let it out I let it all out. I cried and cried and cried. My door swung open and my dad walked in. He closed the door and came over to my bed. "Hey there Buttercup" he said as he lift me on his lap. I wept softly on his shoulder. "Everything is gonna be okay" he sighed while rubbing my back. I kept weeping. "its not fair" I mumbled. "I know, last night I didn't watch the game I stayed up and cried all night". he confessed. I looked up still with a sad frown on my face and wet eyes. "listen Baby I've got something for you" he said. He pulled out a small box out of his pocket and layed it on my hand. "what is it" I asked still in a crying voice. "open it" he whispered. I opened the tiny box and in it was a beautiful necklace it had the word s "daddy's girl" written in the middle. "its beautiful" I said hugging him. "I'm gonna wear this everyday every hour and every minute" I whispered. He smiled a warm smile at me. "I love you Butter cup". he said kissing my cheek. "I love you more Dad" I said truthfully . "wait here" I said while getting up. I went over to over to my drawer and pulled it out. "I know its not much but here" I said as I handed him a small picture with me and him when I was 8 at Disneyland. I was sitting on top of his shoulders and he held my hand, I had my Minnie mouse ears on and I smiled a wide smile. "Oh Gosh baby thank you this is perfect" he said as we hugged. "I'm gonna keep this with me everywhere I go". he mumbled in my neck. "I'm gonna miss you soo much daddy" I whispered. "Me too". he whispered again.

Later that day, an Army official came to get him. Chelsea's dad had to hold my mom down because she didn't wanna let my dad go. I couldn't see my dad leave so I ran upstairs and cried on my bed. Chelsea and Katie came in my room to comfort me. This was all too real.

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