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❀ picture of Mr. Parker ❀

Out of all my classes so far this one went by the fastest. Everyone jumped at the sound of the bell.

"alright ladies see you all tomorrow" Mr.Parker said. Everyone groaned as they headed out.

As I was about to head out he called my name oh my! "Rebecca" I turned around and blushed a little. "yes" I answered trying to strut to his desk.

I can't imagine how dumb I must look.

"I just wanted to let you know having phone out in class is against the rules". my face dropped.

"oh" I muttered. "next time detention" he snapped.

Well, there goes my chances of ever marrying him.

"I'm not trying to be rude or anything just watching out for you and your education" he soften up a sweet smiled. "oh yeah ok " I let out before leaving.

"oh and Rebecca" he stopped me midway between the door he approached me until he was so close to my face he looked down at my lips then my eyes and then put his hand up behind me on the wall for a moment there I thought he was gonna kiss me.

I started standing on my tipie toe but then he held out his other hand and said "you dropped your phone again"

I sighed and got down on my heels again "oh thanks" I snatched the phone out of his hand before walking out of the class.

What just happened? I was so sure he was gonna kiss me I saw it in his eyes the lust and the passion. Wait! he was teasing me.

He knew exactly what he was doing. Wait! but Why? does he like me? impossible I'm so not attractive I look like a fish and he look like a sexy lion king. He couldn't possibly like me.

Could he?


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