Almost kiss

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I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in Mr.Parker's class. I was currently walking to the bathroom and it was 7th period.

My free period.

All seniors get one free period and 7th was mines.

Anyways I kept walking and thinking , I must haven't been watching where I was going because I bumped in to someone making papers go everywhere.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry" I looked up only to be met with Mr.Parker. "Ms.King You have a habit of dropping stuff don't you" I blushed and looked away.

"Well you have a habit of picking things up so maybe I should let you pick all these papers up yourself" I snapped.

woah! A little too much?

Mr. Parker looked down and smiled shyly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that" I said again. "it's ok I wish I had help, this is my free period and I've got a lot of work to do".

"Oh me too, This is my free period too maybe I can help you if you want" I replied.

What? Don't judge me. He. Is. Gorgeous. Of course I wanna spend some time with him.

"Thank you I'd like that" he muttered before leading me to his empty class.

I walked in and dropped my bag on the floor. "Alright Ms.King-" "please call me Becky" I cut him off.

"Alright Becky just help me organize this class here's a few posters hang them up as you please" he said giving me 6 large posters. I nodded and went on to working.

Everything was going well until the 5th poster of course. As I stood on the chair, it started wobbling like a maniac.

Holy shit, I'm gonna fall.

I slipped and landed in two strong arms.

Of course he saved me. Now I HAVE to be in love with him ugh.

I looked at him still breathing hard. "you okay?" he said also breathing hard. "yeah thanks to you" I muttered.

He then looked at me and started leaning in slowly. Is he teasing me again. No this time he was serious. I slowly closed my eyes leaning in too.

Am I really going to kiss my teacher?

This is isn't pretty little liars. I'm not Aria.

But who cares! If Ezra Fitz and Aria can find a way to work, then so can we.

A loud knock interrupted us and he slowly put me back on the floor. "come on in" He yelled.

noooooo my kiss!

"Mr.Parker I  sent you those emails regarding the next meeting" a lady from the front office said. "Thank you Ms. Pierce" he replied briefly before she was out the door.

He rubbed his hands together and through his hair.He then turned to face me.

"Are you OK" he then said. "yeah I'm fine thank you" "welcome" we then continued decorating his room until the bell rang dismissing us from school.

"Um I'll see you tomorrow" I said. "if you would like to help tomorrow again I'd be glad to have you" he replied. "Sure okay uh bye Mr.Parker".

"Becky when we're alone like this you can call me Marcus" he said. ooo Marcus Parker I like it. "Okay Goodbye" I said.

"goodbye Becky" I closed the door.

whew what a day!.

Kids! Remember this is just a story it's not real life! In real life this is not acceptable! Don't "almost" kiss your teacher and don't call them by their first names! Just wanna clarify that!

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