Trouble Marcus Point of view

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❀ picture of Cindy ❀

As soon as Becky and Cindy were out of the room I felt like exploding how could she do this?.

I can't sleep I miss my girlfriend ever since when we had sex she hasn't called or talked to me I'm worried Suddenly my phone ringed. "Hello" "Marcus its Sarah we need to talk come outside" I sounded normal but I was dying to see her I didn't even see her at my graduation.

I was now outside and there she was my beautiful girlfriend I ran towards her to hug her but she stopped me. "Marcus I have to tell you something" her voice was shaky. "what is it babe" she looked down and then back up "I'm pregnant" I froze up. "Marcus" she interrupted me. "okay okay I'll umm ugh I'll take care of it" I said quickly. "no you loser I don't need you to do anything I'm taking Care of her and I'm breaking up with you I've found a guy who is mature and willing to help me out and he's not fat either" she snapped. I couldn't believe her she is pregnant with my child and she's leaving me before I could stop myself I was crying. "no you can't do this" I begged. "oh grow up, we weren't gonna last anyways, you are one step  closer to becoming obese and I don't need that around my kid so goodbye Marcus have a nice life" I stood there in shock. "oh and you are allowed to see your kid and they can have your last name and all but that is all mm after that they can't live with you or nothing". she said before driving away.

After that the only time I ever saw my kid was at birth, and a few birthdays, I wanted to take Cindy away from her especially  after I found out she was doing drugs. But she wouldn't let me and threatened to press a lawsuit and I didn't wanna go through that. Apparently no matter how rich you are 80% of these cases ended up with the mom winning and I didn't wanna lose my daughter forever. I haven't seen my daughter since she was three and now Sarah is here telling me Cindy is gonna have to live with me forever and she won't be involved. This is crazy. "You know what Sarah, you got a lot of nerve back here after the shit you put me through , you ruined my life you know that" she shrugged. "listen I'd love to chat but I only came to give you you're daughter who no longer belongs to me, I have a flight to catch so Chao" she giggled and before I knew it she was out the door. I stared at the pink suitcase on the table. I slowly walked to it and opened it slowly. inside was a few dirty ripped clothes Cindy's size, Next to the clothes was a barbie doll that resembled her, under the barbie doll was an old picture of me holding her when she was turning one. I was on the edge of tears. I looked more through the suitcase there was a pair of dirty converse shoes some hair bows Barrets a coloring book and some crayons. I was interrupted by Becky and Cindy. "Alright Cindy I'll see you soon okay right now I have a few things to handle at home"Becky said as she bent down to Cindy's height. I quickly wiped my eyes before they saw me crying. "awwww you're leaving" Cindy said. "yes but I will be back very soon okay" she giggled. Cindy then hugged her and Becky came to me. I stood up and gave her a hug. "I'll call you" I said to her. "you better" she teased before giving me a quick Peck on the lips. After she left the atmosphere in the room changed quick. There she was, my daughter, standing there looking at me with big Hazel eyes and long frizzy curly hair obviously getting that from my mom's frizzy haired feature. "Hi" I said to her. "Hey" she said back.

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