Pass Out

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Megan and I hopped out of the car as soon as I arrived home. My mom had sounded worried and that made both me and Megan worried. I struggled to get the key in the lock because I was shaking so much, but eventually I did and I opened the door.

We rushed in the house. "Mom?" I yelled as I walked in. "In here" she yelled back softly. Megan and I followed her voice to the living room. She was sitting on the couch with a stuffy red face and she was sniffing softly in a tissue. She was obviously crying. Megan and I rushed to her side as fast as a cheetah. "Mommy what's wrong?" Megan asked in a shaky voice. She paused and sniffed some more. "Your Father is being drafted in to the military" she sobbed. My heart stopped. I couldn't breath I just now remembered I have asthma especially when I'm nervous, I used to take pills when I was little for it but the doctors saw I did good without them, Now I really wish I had them because I felt my lungs closing. "Becky?" my mom yelled. I held my chest and breathed really hard. "Oh no its happening again" Megan yelled. "Go in the bathroom in the first cabinet you'll see a pill bottle with her name on it bring it here back" my mom said quickly, things were getting a little blurry. "honey hang on" that's all I remembered before everything went pitch black.

I woke up to a beeping sounds and wires on my arms. I opened my eyes and sure enough I wasn't home I was in a plain dull white room. A hospital. I'm in a hospital. How'd I get here? when did I get here? What's going on? Am I hurt? Suddenly a giant group of people walked in. It was my family. They all stopped the chatter when they saw me awake. "BECKY" Megan and my mom said rushing to me sides. "hey what happened" I said quietly. "You had an asthma attack and we had to call 911" Megan said quickly. "yeah you kinda passed out when I told you about your father being drafted into the military" oh right my daddy. "Why are they drafting him?" I whimpered. "Apparently they're running short on military men and they are drafting 20 men from each state and your father was in those 20 for California". she sobbed. "wait where is he now?" I exclaimed. "they came to pick him up earlier today and made him pack up a few things he's going through a process and he'll uh um be back tomorrow to say his goodbye before he leaves" she then started crying and I soon noticed everyone was here, Mom, Megan, Chelsea, Katie Cindy and my boyfriend Marcus. Everyone came up to me and showering me with hugs and kisses and then I realized my mom knew about Marcus. I guess she knew what I was thinking because she said "everyone can me Marcus and Becky be alone please?" she said. Everyone nodded and Megan picked up Cindy and closed the door. Uh oh.

lol what do you guys think? Is she gonna get In trouble? tell me what you think and please vote! -xoxo shay.

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