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The next day of school was just like the first day. Teachers going over rules and procedures, Mr.Parker or Marcus, Looking as gorgeous as ever and looking at me occasionally.

No seriously! how can someone be this hot?

I helped him 7th period and drove home the blabbermouth Megan, she goes to her friend's house and I stay home and chilled.

My whole week went like this and finally it was Saturday. I woke up to the smell of pancakes downstairs. mmmmh my favorite.

I rushed downstairs and was greeted by My mom, My Dad, Megan and A girl next to her. "hey pumpkin how'd you sleep?" my dad said as he sipped coffee and typed on his laptop.

"good morning everyone and I slept well thank you" I replied. "Becky this is Ashley" Megan said pointing to the girl next to her.

I nodded to her and she waved shyly. For some reason freshmans are afraid of popular gals like me.

I kinda like it.

After devouring my Pancake I went upstairs to get ready for the mall. Me and Chelsea were gonna go see a movie today.

As I arrived to the mall I can see Chelsea sitting with a familiar someone. It was Nathan her boyfriend.

nooo it was supposed to be me and her.

I walked over to the bench where they were sitting. "Oh Beckyy you're here" she squeaked giving me a tight hug. "yeah hey" I said in a dull voice.

"well you remembered Nathan" I smiled a forced smile to Nathan. "Hey Nathan" he stood up. gosh he got so tall.

Nathan was at our school last year, he was a senior, popular and kinda hot. "Heyyy Beckster bring it in" he said crushing my head in his buff chest.

"Hi Nathan" I chocked out. He let go of me and I glared at Chelsea. "bathroom now" I said to her.

"What the hell Chelsea?" I almost yelled.

"OK let me explain, he had nothing to do today and I really wanted to spend time with him" she said quickly.

"but what about me? I wanna spend time with you too" she shrugged "sorry Becky I promise next Saturday it'll be just me and you" she said. I sighed. "fine whatever" "yay thank you Becky"

"alright movie time" Chelsea said as we headed towards where we left Nathan.

He greeted her with a passionate kiss like they haven't kissed in 10 years. It went on for about 15 seconds and I stood there awkwardly waiting.

They finally let go of the kiss but still held each other's hands. "oh uh my bad" they both said I rolled my eyes and followed them.

As we stood in the line I saw a familiar brown hair. omg Marcus. He was in front of the line and almost at the door this line was incredibly long. Chelsea saw him too.

"Ooh Becky there goes Mr. Parker go ask if we can skip him". "what no" "oh cmon he likes you and you like him and this line is forever long, also,maybe he can accompany you".

mmmh she do have a point.

I walked over to him and tapped on his tall shoulder. He turned around and Smiled that sexy smile.

"Heyyy Becky" he said. "Hey Marcus um can me and my friends skip you?" he looked over to where I was pointing.

"sure" he replied. I called Nathan and Chelsea over and they came.

Well this is gonna be interesting.

My Teacher My Lover |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now