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Marcus was walking so fast I couldn't keep up. Mary left my side and headed towards the backyard. When Marcus reached the front door he swung it open so hard. Behind the door was a woman about 20 something and next to her stood a small adorable little girl who looked to be about 4 or 5. The woman was wearing a short hooker dress and tons of makeup in her face, her hair was a dirty blond and her hair was frizzy and curly, she looked to be some kind of drug addict. The little girl also had frizzy curls just like her mom, except her hair was light brown instead of blond and ripped dirty jeans and a green shirt with tinker bell, she's adorable and her eyes seem so familiar. The woman had a small pink suitcase in her hand, not to be rude but they both look like they haven't taken a bath in years. "what do you want Sarah?" Marcus snapped at the woman. "please can we talk" she sound like she's on drugs. Marcus let out a loud sigh. "Come in" He ushered them to the living room and grabbed my hand dragging me along. Everyone took a seat on his white leather couches. I sat awkwardly next to him and he stared intently at the two girls. The little girl seemed terrified. "well?" Marcus snapped. "Okay Cindy is almost 5, next year she should be in school, I don't have any money to buy her supplies and clothes, Marcus, I can't take care of her and she hasn't eaten in days" oh dear. "she needs you every kid needs their father" father? "well you didn't think of that when you took her away from me and took her to this drug life of yours". Marcus growled. "I'm going to leave the country I found a man who makes me happy and I don't want Cindy coming with me, she's always in the way of everything and I'm not fit to be a mom" okay what the hell? "she has to stay with you, I've been to court and handed all parental rights to you so as of now I am no longer responsible for her". what in the world?. Marcus was frozen in place. "Becky can you take Cindy in the kitchen for a snack" Marcus said still looking at Sarah. "sure" I said grabbing Cindy's hand.

I was now sitting in the Giant kitchen with Marcus's daughter Cindy she is so adorable and now that I've looked closer she looks a bit like Marcus. That's where I've seen those eyes. "who are you ma'am?" she asked "oh uh I'm your daddy's girlfriend, Becky" I said in a baby voice. "you're pretty and you look better than crack mom" I looked at her in shock. "sweetie thanks but that's your mommy" I giggled. "I hate her she's always hitting me she never give me food, and she always leave me in a dirty empty house all alone with no food and she never understand anything I say she always come to the house with a new man every night and only gives me food when she wants to, I hate her" I'm so shocked by the words coming out of the little girl's mouth. "I'm sure she loves you" she sighed and took a bite at her pop tart. "nope she tells me everyday how much she hates me and I ruined her life" I was on edge of crying, how could anyone be so harsh?. "would you like some powdered donuts" I said quickly changing the subject. "yes please and some water too please" I smiled and gave her the snacks. I Wonder what was happening in the living room?

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