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Today is Monday and I have cheer tryouts. Yesterday Marcus asked me to take Cindy shopping and we bought clothes, shoes, and school supplies for her, we had so much fun. He also enrolled her in Kindergarten so she's starting school today. What a weekend.

It was now after school and I was heading to the football field where the tryouts was gonna be held at. I quickly was greeted by Chelsea and Katie. we all took our seats on the three chairs that were facing the bleachers, we each took out our clipboards and the sign up sheet where 30 girls had signed. This is gonna take forever. "Alright ladies we can only have 15 girls so 15 of you is gonna be extremely popular this year and the other 15 are gonna be sore losers" Chelsea yelled at the 30 girls in the bleachers. Katie and I giggled because that's exactly what was said to us in our first tryout for this team. Chelsea is known as the bitch of the campus, That one girl who bullies the nerds and always gets suspended, she steals boyfriends and fight girls for no reason. But behind all the harshness, she's a great friend she's the only person I trust yes ONLY. Chelsea sat down and I called the first girl up.

"Alright girls we've tallied up the votes and 15 of you made it and 15 of you didn't. would you all like to hear losers first or winners?" Chelsea asked after the last girl was done. "winners" they all said together. "OK the girls who made it was. Bethany Torches, Marilyn Reeves, Macy Peirce, Kenya N'yongo, Tr- oh dear  um Traquisha Williams, Lila Monroe, Kaitlyn White, Jessica O'Neil, Nina Jensen, Shelly Brook, Amanda Wild, Shannon Cyrus, Lindsay O'Brien, China Farrell and Megan King" duhhh she's my sister I don't care if she was horrible we all voted yes because she's blood. "Congratulations ladies you are officially popular and the rest of you well you all are losers" Chelsea laughed. I heard groans and cheers as everyone was leaving to go home. "Do you have to be so harsh?" I asked Chelsea. "Yeah Chelsea that was kinda rude" Katie added. Chelsea smiled. "Girls we are captains its not our job to be nice and friendly we have to earn their respect and scare them also you guys know how I am My Nickname in this school is Queen". "Hey guys thanks for letting me in" Megan came behind us. "Megan Of course you made it you were great" Katie lied. "yeah one of the best" I added. "Yeah you are total cheerleader material" Chelsea lied. SHE WAS HORRIBLE, she fell 5 times, had no rythym, and forgot the words to the cheer "were number one you're number two we're gonna kick the Tootsies out of you" instead she went "you're number one We're number two we're gonna uhhhh tootsies!" she said.

I laughed at the memory. Everyone went their ways.Katie went to her car, Nathan picked up Chelsea, And Megan and I went to my car. As we were driving I thought so much about Marcus and Cindy He wasn't here today he was Preparing Cindy's room to surprise her after school and I had to pick her up. "When will I meet your boyfriend?" Megan asked surprising me. "what how did you know I have a boyfriend?" I asked in shock. "I can tell but like seriously who is he?" I sighed "OK but don't freak out when I tell you" She nodded impatiently. "He's my teacher" She gaped at me. "ewww" she laughed. I rolled my eyes. "He's 24 stupid" I said. "oh whew I thought he'd be like 40 or something". she giggled. "well who is he?" she asked. "Mr.Parker" I said. she squinted her eyes clearly trying to think then she gaped at me and then smiled. "That sexy teacher?" she yelled. I nodded. "OMG so awesome, wait but can't he like go to jail for that?" she asked. "Only if people found out" I said. "omg such a scandal" she giggled I smiled at her. "well I was gonna drop you home first but I'm about to go pick up his daughter" I said. "WAIT WHAT? HE HAS A DAUGHTER" she yelled. "Yes geesh she's 4 and I'm going to get her from school" I replied. "why?" "well she just moved in with him on Saturday and he decorated her new room and he wants to surprise her". I explained. "wait what if he isn't done?" she asked. "Oh he got done hours ago he texted me" I assured her. She breathed in a deep breath. "okay wow this is cool does Mom and Dad know?" she asked. "No I'm waiting for the right time". I sighed. "okay oh and your secret is safe with me" she said before going on her iPhone.

"Hi I'm here to pick up Cindy Parker". I said to the tall fat lady behind the desk. She smiled at me "sure sweet pea just sign here" she said handing me a pen. After I signed the sheet she said "one moment Cindy will be out shortly" A few seconds later Cindy walked through the office doors. "Beckyyyyy" she squeaked. She ran up to me and I caught her with a tight hug. I picked her up and said "Hey baby girl how was school?" I giggled as I carried her to the car. "It was so cool I made a lot of friends and we colored she squeaked in joy" I giggled at her. "My little sister is in the car she wants to meet you" I said to her. "ooo yay" she squeaked I put her down as we arrived the car. Megan stepped out of the car when she saw us. "Hi Cindy I'm Megan" she said as Cindy ran up to hug her. "I love you already Megan" she squeaked. "awww she's so cute" Megan said Hugging her. "Alright you two let go see Marcus" I said as we all get in the car. When everyone was all buckled up I drove towards Marcus's house.

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