Rack - Which One

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When Jack gets cold he hogs the blanket so rye wraps himself around him and puts their Duvet over them both .

Hair cuts  :
Jack cuts rye's fringe when it gets too long and sits on his lap so rye can 'hold him steady' . well that's what rye claims but  really rye keeps trying to turn him on whilst jack's cutting his hair , this causes jack to lightly slap him on the arm " if you keep doing that your hairs going to turn out really weirdly ." Before rye pretends the slap really hurt and then jack kisses him to make up for it before continuing.

Tea ( cause these boys don't drink coffee) :
Rye makes jack tea all the time before cuddling him awake to see the happy look on jacks face when he wakes up to rye saying ' I have a cuppa for you bubs' which is possibly jack favourite way to wake up .

Pizza :
Jack pays as he protest that just cause he's the little in the relationship doesn't mean he's not allowed to pay for rye ( rye let's him as it makes him happy and he loves to see his Irish bean smiling ). Even though rye consistently try's to pay .

Music :,
Neither listens to it on full either they share headphones or jack puts them on when trying to sleep or to help when coming out of panic attacks which rye accepts and just holds him to let him know he's there and that jacks safe .

Crumbs :
Both get ocd at times , jack coming out of panic attacks loses it and goes cleaning crazy which often quickly sends him into another panic attack which rye has to help him out of . So they soon decided to just keep the bed clean . Also when jack was in headspace the smallest things would upset him and cause him to act out so the bed needed to be clean so that didn't happen . So rye gets obsessed with keeping the bed clean as he doesn't like when his little acts up.

Ticklish :
Jack - rye does it to him when coming out of subspace / headspace to keep him calm and centered aswell as to get him to laugh and when he's in headspace it's just a cutesy thing that they do that jack secretly loves .

Who sings / who plays :
Rye sings , jack plays - another way to get jack calm after panic attacks ( especially after the bad attacks , which often occurred especially leading up to when they got engaged ) and a way to unwind after long days .

Who proposes;
Jack & rye : both say '  I wanna marry you ' when they're hanging out in the rarvey room cuddled up watching s film , they then both pull out boxes they've been hiding ( is why jack had so many panic attacks before hand due  to underlying nerves - although it was very obvious rye would say yes as he loves his boy a lot ) then ask the other to marry each other, in sync , again ,which  they quickly laugh off and say they would love to ( rings are scarily similar- but that is probably due to them both having similar tastes and the way they know each other so well ) Rye's ring has 'property of my Irish bean ' engraved and jacks has ' my heart belongs to a Beaumont ' engraved . both are silver bands although jacks is slightly thinner and more delicate than rye's with a small infinity sign on the side . Whilst rye's is a simple silver band with the engraving aswell as an engraved bee as jack remembered rye once saying he loved bee's being engraved in things . Rye may not remember telling him that but jack remembers and wanted to make it perfect for him as he looks after jack through everything and is always there for him .

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