Brandy - perm

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See brook loved his perm , but he did not like the others opinions on it.
They were constantly bullying him for his hair , which turned into vlog content . Then everyone was bullying him about his hair. It hurt aswell , he never meant to offend people by his hair but apparently it did .
"Ok perm come do the washing up with me"
" permy what where you thinking?"
"Meet me at McDonald's haircut got worse not it's old permy face"
It was constant , even his boyfriend andy had joined in , well until he realised how upset brook was getting about it when he found him crying in his room  alone.
"brook , babe you seen my charger?"
"I-it's here f-fov-fovvs" Brook stuttered through the tears picking up the charger and walking to the door to pass it to andy .
"Cheers Brook , shit , what's happened brooky ?what's got you in such a state?"Andy's facial expression fell , annoyed at the idea of his boyfriend being hurt .
"N-nothing I'm fine" brook said wiping his eyes and fake smiling before walking into his room and sitting on his bed , Andy plugged his phone in before sitting down next to brook and hugging him , bringing him into his chest.
"Whatever it is brooky I'm here for you, you can tell me anything"
"Ev-even if your why I'm crying?"
"Especially if I'm why your crying" Andy's soft voice rung through the air ,his hands gently rubbing brooks back .
"I just , why do you all hate my hair , I thought it was cute and I like the noodles but you all hate it and I'm sorry"
"Brooky I love your noodles and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel otherwise you look so cute with them but if you feel uncomfortable with them cause of the boys maybe we should talk them about how you don't like how your being treated cause it's not fair if it's upsetting you brooky"
" no no no they'll think I can't take a joke please no, don't say anything fovvs please"
"Brook no you've got yourself so worked ok over this I'm not having it . LADS GET YOUR UGLY ASSES IN HERE" Andy yelled to be met with multiple sets of feet running to brooks room . They were all shocked and confused when they saw brook had been crying , immediately hugging him tightly , rye rubbing his hand through his hair , mikey placing a hand in his shoulder and the others looking on worriedly .
"I'm fine guys really" Brook spoke softly.
" no your not now guys , I'm done we're all hating on brooks hair it's rude and upsetting and completely unnecessary" Andy spoke clear yet angry to be met with nods and apologies before brook was bear hugged by them all before being returned to Andy's protective arms .

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