Jarvey - Which One

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Blanket :
Jack hogs it and Harvey just wakes up cold and steals it back putting it over the both of them and returns to hugging his boy .

Hair cut :
' Harvey please can I cut your hair ?'
'Why ? What's wrong with my hair ?'
' you've got this one bit that's a lot longer than the rest of your hair '
' jackkk'
' please harvey please , I'll do anything '
' anything huh ?'
' just let me cut your hair '
'Fine '

Tea :
' to the kitchen my stallion ' jack yelled whilst riding on Harvey's back .
' tea ?' Harvey asked
' duh ' jack said laughing.
' and in here we have jarvey being ... weird ' brook said , vlogging.
' we're not weird , your weird ' jack retorted .
' yeah yeah what are you actually doing ?'  Brook asked .
' we are making tea '
' I want tea !' Rye yelled .
' you have legs use them ' Harvey yelled .
' jacks not ' rye said dejected .
' why would I use my legs when I have Harvey to carry me ' jack said . They then make rye the tea anyway cause they feel bad .

Pizza :
' ffs I forgot my wallet can I pay you back when we get home ?'
' sure Harvey but ya know I don't mind buying the pizza '
' I know but I wanna treat you '
' you always treat me let me treat you '
' but I wanna look after you '
' and I wanna look after you '
' oh ok fine '

Full volume :

'JARVEY TURN IT DOWN' rye yelled trying to yell Over the loud blasting music and two crazy , loud , bad dancers .
Rye walked into the rarvey room to see jarvey jumping up and down like crazy mental children to pop music .
' brook quick bring the vlog camera '
' um ok '
' what is going on '
' I don't know but it's funny so vlog please '
' ok so hey guys we don't know what's going on in here but these two have they're music on full volume and are doing this ' brook vlogs showing the two jumping crazy boy's .

Crumbs :
' there so many crumbs on the bed '
' ok up I'm clearing this off '
' thanks babe '

Ticklish :
'Aww there's that beautiful giggle I've missed so dearly '
' not my fault you were on tour '
' sorrry love youuuuu'
' hey harvey it's cool, your doing what you love so Am I , I'm here your here we're not going anywhere when we need each other we'll be there until then we've got work and right now I'm lying on your lap , next week you'll be in Paris but I'm going to enjoy right now . '
' damn right you are I haven't heard that giggle in ages '

Who sings who plays :
Jack plays guitar and then both sing  and they often sing the other to sleep when needed but quite often the two will just jam in the rarvey room a few of the others coming and going singing the songs with them .

Proposal :
' jack I'm taking you out tonight dress casual '
' oh ok cool , rye I need a shirt '
' I said casual ?'
' exactly I only have shirt shirts clean '
' borrow one of mine '
' possessive , ok . Rye don't worry '
* later *
' just a bit further jack '
' oh ok '
' ok I'm going to let go of your hands now '
'Um ok '
' ok now open your eyes '
Jack slowly opens his eyes to see his boyfriend on one knee with a ring in hand .
' marry me please jack '
' ok ' jack said stunned ' I'll marry you of course I'll marry you , omg I'm gunna marry you '
' I know babe I know I get to marry you my favourite boy in the whole world , jack your Gunna be my husband '

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