Mack - let me

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' Jack can you get the cornflakes for me please ' mikey yelled to the boy in the other room as although Andy and rye were in the room with him he knew rye would mock him for not being tall enough to reach them and that his lovely boyfriend would get them for him .
' sure babes ' jack said casually walking into the kitchen grabbing the cornflakes down from the shelf kissing mikey's hair before fixing himself a cup of tea (and one for mikey )  and some toast .
' there ya go sweetheart ' jack said kissing the boys cheeks As he passed him a tea before going to sit down on mikey's bed to eat .
' um jack sorry to be a pest but can you put them back please ?'
' sure you sit down ' jack said smiley happy to help his shorter boyfriend who couldn't reach the shelf , jack found it endearing how he asked for help so easily unlike Andy who would argue with rye ( cause Randy is real af ) that he ' could make it he just need to stretch a little father ' . To be fair on him mikey had done that at first but over time jack had proved to mikey that he loved him just as he was and that he didn't need to change to be perfect as he already was to him .
' jack do you mind putting the kettle on whilst your up please ?' Rye said as he slowly tried to escape Andy's tight grip on him to make some tea .
' it's just boiled but I'll put it on again for you' jack said as he put the cornflakes away and turned the kettle on before going back to eat his breakfast .
The boys ate in a comfortable silence interrupted only by Brooklyn's and Harvey's quiet singing from the rarvey room and the small snores escaping fovvs' lips as he slept peacefully and a barely audible hum from rye as he made himself and Andy breakfast .
The boys worked well around each other the 3 couples living in harmony , they very rarely fought and when they did it was never serious which shocked  many as they lived in such tight quarters . They believed it worked as they knew each other so well , they each knew all about each other from the big things like the way mikey who seemed like a lone wolf that was strong and dominate was actually soft and adorable loved attention and cuddles were one of his favourite things to the small things like how Andy couldn't sleep unless he had rye or music , or how brook needed to be held to be able to fall asleep or how mikey talked in his sleep about the most random things .
Most importantly they knew that jack would never be as comfortable talking about his feelings as the rest of them who to each other are pretty much open books , and whilst jack may seem like it , he shows very few emotions yet the ones he does show he shows clearly like love , anyone could tell he loved mikey as he told him every day , however you could never tell when he was tired or ill or angry as he would say I'm fine as with anything else , he could be having the best day or the worst day and if you asked him how he was he would still answer 'I'm fine don't worry bout little old me ' . And that's just how things are .
Although mikey wishes they weren't he wanted jack to talk to him about his problems, he loved him very much and jack knew everything about mikey , mikey wanted to know everything about jack . Jack just wasn't as much of an open book . Until he had injured himself due to his clumsy nature and then and only then would the emotions start to show through .
"Mikey baby " jack yelled from the top of the stairwell into to the flat .
" yes jack , where Are you ? " mikey replies immediately searching through the flat for the boy .
" stairwell , can u grab me my crutches please ?" Jack yelled again . Before seing him walk to him crutches in hand .
" I figured you were injured you never ask for me otherwise " mikey said smiling as he helped his boyfriend up .
" I- uh thanks but I ask for you at other times " jack said getting used to being in crutches again .
" like when " mikey spoke sarcasm running through his voice helping the boy get back into the flat .
" like when I want a cuddle , or if your tea's done , or if I've made food for you and your in the other room or um there are other times I'm sure"
" no jack other than for cuddles you only call me when your injured or if you have stuff for me and your cuddle voice and your mikey I got something for you voice is different to your injured voice "
" huh my voice is always the same "
"no your cuddle voice is cute , sleepy and a bit wary as your slightly scared I don't want to cuddle , your mikey I got stuff for you is your normal voice , whilst your injured voice is frustrated , and you can tell your in pain " mikey said as they made it to the Jacklyn room letting jack sit on his bed .
" what pain meds do you need j ?" Mikey asked smiling at the boy .
" um just the normal ones for when I hurt my leg please " jack replied .
Mikey ran to the bathroom grabbing the meds out of the cupboard and a glass of water quickly before returning to the boy .
" here you go " he said handing jack what he's just collected " so what have you hurt this time hun?"
" just my knee nurse mikey , it should be ok after I've taken these although I might need a hug of off my boyfriend to make it all better "
" well I'm sure that can be arranged " mikey said putting on a slightly posher accent .
" do you ever get annoyed with how much you have to do this ?" Jack asked smiling at the boy secretly annoyed at the fact he's injured himself again .
" no , I love looking after you , you always help me , you always make sure that I'm ok and protected and I enjoy getting to look after you the same way "
" ok just tell me if I ever get annoying because I worry that I annoy you with how often I injure myself and you have to help me " jack said looking at the floor , only to have mikey place to fingers under his chin and make him look up at him , before lightly kissing him .
" I love you , you could hurt yourself a million times every day and I would still come running every time to help you as you help me all the time and you can't help getting hurt and I want to be there I want to help " mikey said wrapping his arms around the boy and pulling him close .
" thank you , I love you mikey "
" I love you to "
"Cuddle ?"
"Cuddle "

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