Jandy- unhealthily healthy

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A/N: ⚠️trigger warning below⚠️
I AM NOT SAYING FOVVS HAS AN EATING DISORDER OR ANYTHING SIMILAR TO THAT IRL BUT he's gotten really frikin skinny like scaring me skinny but I'm kinda happy he's happy and ugh I'm kinda worried cause imma frikin overprotective mother (not actually a mum tho I'm a 15 year old girl -no hate to teen moms < I gotta lotta respect for that >who's not attractive with very very high standards ) and he's frikin perfect and I know he's doing this for him but dear lord I just wanna hug him and protect him from everything and yeah that's it, I just really love fovvs , even tho I'm a jack girl but shhh don't tell jack 😂❤️.
Anywhooo this is a trigger warning as it has kinda eating disorders in well in pretty sure it classes as anorexia but I'm not 100% sure so I'm not Gunna officially call it that as I don't want to offend or anything , this is a long ass a/n sorry like it's longer than some oneshots I've written ( sorry ). Anyways on with the oneshot imma go appreciate fovvs elsewhere .

Jack's PoV:
Andy's been worrying me lately , he never seems to eat and if he does it's barely anything , he only drinks water , he wakes up stupidly early to go the gym for long periods of time . Comes back extremely tired then does boyband work till late , barely sleeps and then he repeats. This has been going on for a while . He says it's to reach what's 'perfect' but he was perfect before now he was scarily skinny , overworked and tired. He constantly had deep purple bags under his eyes , was easily injured and liable to pass out . I knew I should talk to him as his boyfriends it was kinda my responsibility but I was scared he'd push me away more . See ever since he'd gone on this 'health kick' of his andy had been pushing me away and as much as I tried to stay close ,fought to keep him in my life I was struggling . This wasn't just having a negative effect on Andy's health I know it was waking mikey up early most mornings and stressing him out aswell as making him think he should be going to the gym
More and working harder when he was perfect as he was . It woke Rye up aswell so he'd go on more runs . It meant brook got hated on more by the others boys who often took their anger out on him . And I know i'd had less sleep not being able to sleep without andy and then being woken up by him waking early. Being more and more stressed out over andy was making me lose what little sleep I was having and the classic dark circles under my eyes were darker and darker each day . I just wish he'd talk to me . Or I'd somehow grow the confidence to talk to him . To sort this out before we destroyed ourselves .
"Hey j , you ok?" Andy spoke , having just arrived back from the gym seing me lying on his bed having a mental breakdown . And it was at that point I lost it ....
" no andy I'm not , I'm not okay , your freaking killing yourself and all of us with your god damned 'health kick' your fu***** stick thin there's literally only skin and bones on you and dark bruises under your eyes where you aren't sleeping and none of us are either , we're worried andy , you don't sleep you barely eat , all you drink is water and that's minimalistic . Your clearly stressed and going through stuff but you won't talk to us , you won't talk to me andy . FOR GODS SAKE IM YOUR BOYFRIEND ANDY WHY WONT YOU TALK TO ME , YOUR KILLING US , NOT JUST US , THIS ENTIRE BAND ,  YOU AND RYE ARE KLKING BROOK WITH HOW RUDE YOUR BEING AND YOU DON'T SEEM TO REALISE IT HURTS HE LOOKS UP TO YOU TO AND YOUR BEING HORRIBLE , MIKEY DOESNT SLEEP HE STRESSES ANOUT THIS BAND AND YOU AND HOW YOUR ALWAYS WORKING OUT THEN HE PUSHES HIMSELF TOO FAR TRYING TO KEEP UP WITH YOU AND THEN BLAMES HIMSELF WHEN YOUR PUSHING TOO HARD, RYAN WON'T TALK ABOUT IT BUT HES WORRIED AS ANYTHING ,  HE BARELY SLEEPS HES STRESSED AND HES WORKING SO HARD FOR THIS BAND . IM BASICALLY DEAD ANYWAYS , I DONT SLEEP , I STRESS TOO MUCH I SPEND MY TIME TRYING TO KEEP THIS BAND TOGETHER TRYING TO STAY HAPPY FOR THE FANS WHEN ITS KILLING ME THAT MY BOYFRIEND WONT EVEN SLEEP IN THE SAME GOD DAMNED BED AS ME " jack took in a deep breathe seing Andy's face filled with remorse " we can't keep doing this andy something has to change ok , we need to sort this band out but we need to sort you out now because if we don't your going to die and I don't want to live in a world without you in" jack said starting to tear up at the end andy pulling him into his arms .
"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I just wanted to be perfect wanted to be perfect for you thought people would like me more if I was perfect " andy whimpered crying into jack's shoulder holding him tightly.
"Hey hunny look at me , look me straight in the eye , you are perfect the most perfect boy in the world, I couldn't fault you And if people can't see that they don't deserve you . I know you wanted yourself to be flawless but it's impossible we all have flaws and your perfect to me and the boys ok we know your doing this for you but this health kick it's scaring us all baby ok , and it's not healthy any more you are already perfect stop trying to be what you already are now , I'm going to be monitoring how much you eat and drink now cause I want you eating properly again not forever just for a while cause I want you eating 3 square meals a day not just a peice of toast every few days . I know it's going to take a while to get used to again but I need you healthy aswell as that I want you drinking and sleeping properly and your only going to the gym if one of us is with you ok?" Andy nodded looking slightly scared but fully trusting of jack.
" look I know this is probably scary and going to be a big shock to the system but I need you to trust me ok ? I can't have this happening anymore andy it's hurting all of us , now your going to go to my bedroom put on my clothes that are Gunna be baggy af on you , get comfy in my bed and wait for me sitting their all adorably and we are going to cuddle and binge your favourite tv shows and eat a load of snacks and your going to fall asleep on me at some point and imma play with your hair and it's all going to be ok , now imma fill the boys in and go grabs snacks you do as told"
"Will do , thanks jack for , getting some sense into me cause even if I don't think I'm perfect , you do and that's enough. I can't keep doing this if it's hurting all of you guys" andy said kissing jack on the cheek before doing as he was told . Jack quickly collected all the snacks he needed.
"J can we come in ?" Brook asked from outside the door to the Mindy room/ kitchen .
"Sure c'mon I wanted to talk to you lot anyways" jack said before he was embraced by mikey and brook . rye stood behind them smiling like a proud dad at him Even giving him the 'good job kid ' nod .
"Well done j , you've done what we've all wanted to do but haven't , thanks jack "
"Anything for him"jack said smiling lightly"I can't see this band suffer cause I can't look after my boyfriend so I'm going to look after him properly , make sure he's ok"
"J this isn't your fault we should all be looking out for Him we shouldn't have let it go this far , go look after him we don't have studio and we can film another time " brook said hugging me tightly.
I nodded hugging them once more tightly before grabbing the food and heading to my room finding andy in my bed , in jogger shorts that were too long for him and a t-shirt that went to mid-thigh . I turned on the tv , put the food and bottle of coke infront of him on the floor before climbing into the bed behind him , wrapping my arms around him tightly pulling him closer to reassure me he was there and safe . Andy curled back into me , his head resting on my chest my hand gently playing with his hair his favourite tv-show on the tv . We sat their for hours me feeding him every once in a while ,making sure that he ate although his portions were smaller than mine as his body wasn't used to the food . I also made sure he'd drink aswell until he finally fell asleep . I slid his phone out of his pocket turning it off so nothing would wake him in the morning. Pulling out my own phone texting the boys a thanks , he's ok , goodnight message each before turning my own phone of before curling up More with the boy again allowing him to sleep on me , arms wrapped around him Holding him tightly I soon fell asleep in the knowledge that I could do this, I could look after him, I could protect him from himself  , could make sure he gets better . I Could And I Would .

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