Rack- scared of my own feelings

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A/N: see I may have told joeck_jandy I hadn't yet written her oneshot but I was like I swear I've written this cause I was really hyped to write and so I checked it , I've written and posted it just been such an idiot I didn't tag , I do that a lot sorryyyyyyy hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️

Jack's PoV;

It's silly really , how possessive I feel towards rye , without really having a claim on him and now it's taking me away from him , I can't be around him for long periods of time without feeling the desperate need to jump his bones , or if he'd even a little flirty with the others I become possessive which is stupid because he's not mine , unfortunately.

*time skip two weeks back provided to you by the millions of rykey moments Roadtrip have provided us with lately*

It had started of harmless little moments in vlogs really rye had thrown an arm over mikey's shoulder , and i immediately felt irritated, I want contact with rye , I want to hold him , I want him to hold me.
Then it turned to rye straight up kissing mikey in vlogs which shocked the small boy . Even so I felt undeniably irritated and annoyed . Everything frustrates me when it came to rykey which was silly really because I know they're only friends but part of me wants that with rye
But more , you want more with rye , you want everything

Unfortunately we can't all have what we want though and it was become too much so I was distancing myself I'd only realised today , I just backed away until I got dragged into a vlog where instead I clung to brooks side the whole time. Even hugging the older boy today , which shocked him slightly , but you know what I love brook he's one of my best friends and he's so nice and I'm craving the comfort , I can't go to rye , he has mikey . So instead I'll go to brook.

*time skip a day brought to you by the adorable af Jacklyn hug in the vlog today*

It was all coming to me now , I have a crush on rye , my bandmate and closest friend , I think I always have , from all of the 'ship me with rye now brooks' to all the cuddles they shared to the way rye always holds me and tells me it will be ok to the funny boy that's one of my best friends .

It's why distancing myself was hard but necessary , rye could never know .

I can't lose him .

*time skip to present day brought to you by brooks perm*

Rye's PoV:

I'm done I've had it

I can't and I won't lose him.

Jack's been distancing himself from me and I'm done with it , he will have a close relationship with me whether he likes it or not , he will and that's it .

I love that boy in ways I shouldn't and I refuse to let him distance himself from me , I need him , all of the time .

"Jack Richard Daniel duff get
Here nowwww" I yelled through the house from my bed , a minute later a tired Irish boy walked into my room
Climbed up the stairs and sat over the edge of the bed .
"Oi get here and cuddle me , then you can tell me why your distancing yourself from me Irish , but right now I need jacky hugs to make up for what I've missed"

No PoV:

As the two lay there comfortably jack's bare chest lying on rye's t-shirt clad one rye's arms tightly wrapped around him legs entangled , jack listening to the strong nesting heart beneath him , that little did he know beat for him.
" I'm sorry rye ." Jack's toted morning voice mumbled " I didn't mean to I just it's hard ya know"
"What's hard jacky and how can I help?" Rye asked gently a hand running through the anxious boys hair gently.
"Seing the boy you like flirt with another boy although they're impossibly straight and you just realised your gay and you like them and all you want to do is hug him and be happy again but you can't" jack's words were fast and quiet but rye heard all of them.
"I'm so proud of you jacky , you ya hard I know but you'll get through it , oh and welcome to the gay but none of the other boys know yet club" rye said high giving the boy , speaking gently .
"Wha , who else?" Jack stuttered confusion laced into his voice .
" I'm not supposed to tell you but all except brook Have told me now , including harv, and fovvs told me about brook so yh there's that , now who's the lucky guy?" Rye asked but instead of words jack kissed him . Rye immediately kissed back .
" you" jack whispered quietly. Rye giggled before he spoke .
"I can confirm I'm gay , I don't flirt with anyone except you and whenever you want a hug you bloody hug me or imma put for the rest of my life"
"Nooooooo not the rye-pie pout" jack giggled kissing rye again getting comfy again .
"I love you jack , honestly I do, but please don't distance yourself again cause it hurts "
" I won't , promise . I love you and your cuddles so you'll never get rid of me" jack smiled at rye who kissed his forehead. Everything was perfect again.

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