Jarvey - cuddles

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"Yes bubs"
"Im late it's tired, come cuddles"
"J it's literally 2pm , we've walked downstairs today that's it"
"All way downstairs sooo far , I need cuddles for it "
"Yes daddy"
"No jack"
"Yes cuddles ?"
"Nope , now imma make breakfast"
"Ok daddy you make brealfast imma wake brooky"
"Ok thank you babe" harvey sighed , glad jack was starting something productive .
Although really all jack did was climb straight into brooks bed , cuddling up to the sleeping boy , who didn't notice jack join him . Only when brook woke up to see a boy curled up to him , thumb half hanging out of his mouth and cuddling him did he notice jack . Although Harvey had obviously noticed jack hadn't yet returned to him and started yelling for jack . But jack being the weirdo he is couldn't hear him in dreamworld , for when he was asleep nothing could wake him . Not Harvey yelling at him, or Brooklyn moving him . Not even rye carrying him downstairs and placing him on the bed. Nothing literally nothing would wake him so that's how he ended up asleep on the sofa Harvey eating pancakes whilst at by him . The other lads sat around the kitchen kicking around and blogging using it as a competition to see who would be able to wake jack . It took along time but eventually rye yelling "IM PREGNANT" whilst running away from Andy squealing . Cause apparently Andy putting his hand on rye's thigh impregnates him. (I mean same)

"What?"Jack spoke quietly, voice soft and confused , he sat up hugging Harvey .
"Jack jack jack Andy touched my thigh and now I'm pregnant and I think your the dad"
"I no the daddy Harvey the daddy can I sleep now"
"Nooooooooooooooo wakey wakey jackyyyyy" brook said hugging jack .
"Uh uh my jack my cuddles" Harvey said possessively.
"Noooo no you no want jack cuddles earlier so now brooky get them instead , Sozzles" jack said sassily , hugging brook tightly. So Harvey picked jack up hugging him tightly away from everyone else , spinning round whispering "mine" possessively.
"Ok ok I get it ok your put me downnnnnnnnnnn"
"Of course my love"
"Thank tu daddy" jack said as Harvey places him down gently but still supporting him as he tried to focus again and become less dizzy from the spinning .
The two left the others to finish filming as Harvey carried jack upstairs where they could cuddle in peace .
Harvey's arms wrapped tightly around jack who had his head tucked into Harvey's neck just appreciating having Harvey their with him.

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