Rack - punishment

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A/N : request up top and also for british_roadie who wanted rack here ya go hope you like it ❤️:

Rye had seen it on jack's face when he woke up . Jack had gotten up Out of bed avoiding rye , but rye could tell he was little and jack knew he was breaking rules.
"J? Cuddle?"
"No daddy gotta work" jack spoke voice small but demanding he got up and brushed his teeth , he came back to rye and kissed his forehead before getting dressed then going to brooks room and waking him up to get their suprise ready. See jack knew he was breaking rules but for his daddy's suprise he needed to be up and doing stuff to make it work so brook got up and headed to the annexe with him . Where they set everything up and got ready . See jack had organised for Sammie and Shaun to come and stay with them for the week aswell as rye's parents for a few nights then rack would look after Sammie and Shaun for a week whilst they were away.
But jack had broken several rules whilst organising this , he'd kept secrets from rye, he'd gone out by himself without telling anyone (other than brook), and he'd Hiden things from rye , which rye knew he was doing but he trusted jack to come to him if he needed it . Yet jack hadn't whilst he did need some assistance from rye when tidying and organising the annexe he had gotten brook to help instead , another rule broken .
"J j where are you ?" Rye yelled throughout the house not seing him anywhere but then going to the annexe to check if he was there. He knocked on the door to be answered by a shirtless jack .
"Daddy , hiya , morningggggg"
"Hello bubs what's up?"
"Jackkkk help I'm stuck"
"Shit sorry daddy let me help brook but stay here no coming inside it'll ruin the suprise"
"Baby I can help and you know I don't like surprises"
"Daddy please stay outside I promise you'll like it I pinky swear" jack said which annoys rye but he lets him help brook standing outside.
"Brook what is it ?"
"I stuck jack's and I wan my daddy" brook said as he began crying whilst jack helped him down yelling at rye to get mikey ASAP.
"Brooky daddy's here?" Mikey yelled walking into the annexe .
"Daddy close eyes if you come in pleaseeeeeee"jack yelled so rye walked in with his eyes closed and arms crossed infront of him.
"Jack tell me what's going on" rye said annoyed.
"I will soon daddy I promise , mikey can you help brooky back to the house I better tell daddy"
"But jack it'll ruin the suprise for him"
"Yeah but I gun needa get punished for hiding it from him so imma get it done now"
"But jacky you did a good thing?"
"But I broke lots of rules and he angwy bwooky But it ok he be happy later" jack said smiling at brook walking to rye and taking his hands into his own and looking at rye .
"Go On daddy, open your eyes" jack said softly as rye opened his eyes to see the annexe all tidy and ready to be liced in.
"Jack wtf have you done this was going to be" rye began but getting cut off by jack kissing him as he got angry.
"Uh uh no you know we don't do that , that's the 6th rule you've broken today"
"No daddy no no punishing"
"I no done nothing wrong nooooo"
"Jack you've broken lots of rules"
"daddy no I no even told you wha happening daddyyyyy" jack said freaking out and having a tantrum . Which caused rye to flip him over his knees and spank him 10 times till he was crying . Jack then stormed of . He went to brook immediately and cryed in his room until brook walked in confused.
"Jacky what happened?"
"Daddy no let me explain just cared that I broke 6 rules , he meant to let me explain, now I no even able to sit down"
"Jacky it ok no worry I here and your daddy will be happy soon"
"I guess, wait one minute rye's mums calling me"
"Hiya , yeah , yeah that's good thanks yeah I'll tell him thank you"
"I gotta go find daddy" jack said walking into rye's room .
"Daddy , daddy I gotta tell you something?"
"Yeah jack you do , why did you walk out? That's against your rules baby"
"You broke your rules too daddy, you no let me explain you just punished me and was mean to me" jack said having a mini tantrum as rye kept asking questions and went to grab him but jack who was freaking out and moving his hands up and down and then jack accidentally hit rye , rye flinched holding his arm where he'd been hit shocked. Jack saw he'd hit rye and backed away crying . He knew he'd been bad all day but this was the worst so he started crying.
"Jacky jacky what's up it's ok I'm here im ok I'm sorry baby"
"O'erwhelmed daddy" jack mumbled tired.
"Oh damn come here" rye said pulling jack into his lap, carefully.
"Daddy I just I just wanted to do something nice for tu , I needa tell you , need tell you suprise - that your parents be here soon. With the twins . They stay a few days then we look after twins for the week . 'Twas gunna be a suprise for tu daddy . Then everything got too much an I just wanna sleep now"
"You organised all that bubs and tidied aswell I'm so proud of you bubs, c'mere now I am Gunna have to punish you properly for all of the rules you've broken today and your temper tantrums but I'm not going to right now cause I think my boy needs some cuddles and attention before the others get here ok?"
"Ok tank tu daddy"
"It's ok baby but next time you just get me to help no secrets , I appreciate that you were doing something nice but still"
"Love tu daddy"
"Love you to jacky"

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