Randy - which one

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A/N : This is kind of a series in which each ship will have a short Drabble / thought/ idea / mini one-shot  kind of thing for each point . One-Shots will continue after all ships have been uploaded .

Who hogs the blanket:

" fovvs gimme the blacket , I need some warmth it's cold , Andy please " rye whined as the two were curled up together .
" nooo my blanket, ryeeee my blanket "
Andy whined pulling the blanket tightly around him .
" well then I'll just have to cuddle you instead then babe " Rye said wrapping himself tightly around fovvs not letting him go .

Which one cuts the others hair :

" Andy it's too long at the front , I hate it it's too long and I can't see . " rye complained pulling at his hair .
" ok chill come here , I'll cut it for you "
" thank youuuuuu" rye said kissing Andy quickly and sweetly .
" ok sit here , " Andy said placing rye on a chair before gracefully sitting atop his lap with some scissors in hand , cutting his hair out of his face, keeping it even and properly placed. Andy had his eyes fixed on rye's hair tongue sticking out cutely .
" your adorable " rye whispered before leaning forward and kissing Andy quickly .
" I know but shh I'm trying to focus " Andy said going back to cutting rye's hair .

Which one makes coffee ( in this case tea ) for the other every morning:

"Morning lovely, are you okay ?" Rye asked gently shaking Andy awake.
" what ?" Andy said waking up .
" I made tea " rye said
"Tea?" Andy said sitting up . Grabbing the cup , and drinking it speedily .
Rye wrapped an arm around Andy using the other to drink his own tea.

Which one picks up the pizza:

'My treat " rye said handing the pizza guy the money smiling at Andy who was stood by the other door to the living room pouting .
"50:50 atleast rye , I can pay aswell "
" Andy I want to pay for you "
" and I want to pay for you , just cause I'm smaller than you doesn't mean I can't pay Rye " Andy said angrily trying to force the money in rye's wallet .
" nope my treat " rye said smug , happy to pay for his boyfriend
" you always say that I want to pay for once " Andy whined annoyed rye wouldn't let him pay .
" next time , you can pay next time " rye tried to compromise knowing full well he's pay still .
" you won't let me pay next time , and you know it " Andy complained.
" my money is your money now eat the pizza " rye said done with arguing with Andy , he never like fighting with the boy he loved .
" your admitting you won't let me pay , Rye I want to pay too ! I'm just as able to pay as you ! I want to pay for God's sake " Andy yelled massively frustrated at this fight they always had .
" Andy I promise you , next time I'll let you pay , really I will , just come sit down and eat some pizza "
" you promise ? And you mean it right ?" Andy said shakily .
" yes I mean it , next time I'll let you pay what's mines yours , I should accept the courtesy back now come sit here and let's eat ok ?"
" if you back out of this I won't cuddle you for a week by the way " Andy threatened .
" you wouldn't last " rye said
" I would so " Andy said as he curled up against him .
" I love you " rye said
" I love you to even when you don't let me pay " Andy replied .

Which one likes their music on full volume :

Rye was sat in his room , reading , headphones on , music on full volume.
Whereas Andy and mikey were sat in the front room playing truth or dare having a laugh .
" I dare you to distract rye " Mikey dated Andy .
" easy " Andy said confidently walking into the rarvey room sitting on rye's bead atop of his lap . Mikey's head peaked through the door watching .
"Rye , Rye , ryan , rye-pie , rye " Andy said .
" no nothing at I have an idea " Andy said before leaning down and kissing rye's cheek , over and over until rye pulled of his headphones and closed his book flipped them over and began to make out with Andy .
" well I class that as distracting him , have fun lovebirds " Mikey said shutting the door behind him .

Which one complains about the crumbs on the bed :

' Ryan sort this out now , you know how I am about my bed rye '
' sorry Fovvs  I'll sort it , love you '
' love you to now sort my bed out '

Which one is ticklish :

Andy and rye are both insanely ticklish but both of them use it against the other , quite often they have tickle fights one of which even ended up on a lively which the fans loved .

"Andy babe?" Rye asked stood at Andy's door whilst fovvs was in his reading corner on live .
"Yes rye?"
"Can I join you?" Rye asked quite quietly.
"C'mere baby , you alright?" Andy asked , rye just nodding in response . The fans on the livestream were freaking out about all the randy content absolutely loving every second of it.
"Yeah fovvs Just missed you" Rye said curling up behind fovvs.
"I missed you more"
"Well I missed you most"
"I'll tickle you"
"I'll tickle you right back" and so the arm began the two ticklish Boyd easily tickling eachother , but rye was so tired he easily lost falling back so he was lying down Andy speedily clambering onto him winning the tickle fight easily.
"Successssss" Andy loudly declared , only to be met with a giggle from jack at the door .
"Despite how cute this is I didn't know If you'd forgotten you were still on live"
"Well I had but I'm sure the randy fans will love it" Rye said as Andy shyly hid his face in rye's neck.
"Probably not helping but I'll leave you two to it"
"Well guys , we're back to just me and fovvs now , and as we're not sticking to usual plans anyways. Let's play some truth or dare" Rye said as they carried on with the livestream.

Which one sings and which one plays the music :

Mostly Both of them sing whilst fovvs plays his guitar , playing their favourite songs and jamming until the other boys join them and it becomes a band jam sesh and if Harvey's there its an alphadog jam sesh .

Which one proposes :

Rye proposed to Andy during one of their jam sessions , Andy was confused at first cause rye randomly said ' marry me ' before getting down on one knee pulling a ring out of his drawers and asking him properly ' I know you deserve a better proposal than this but you've always said we've got to do things our way and yeah Andrew Robert fowler
Will you marry me? '
' yes rye yes I will '

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