Randy- future

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Rye was never seen as insecure but even today (his birthday) he was feeling insecure . But only about his relationship.
His boyfriend had talked about 'doing it all over again' and ry ewas scared . He loved Andy and everything they had fought for , everything they'd done together , been together for . It meant the world to rye and the thought of having to start over scared him . He didn't want anything to change .

Andy however had posted it because it was his subtle hint that Randy would be starting out as something more.

See rye had been begging Andy for months to come out but Andy has been nervous . Scared to ask Blair and tell the world about their relationship but over time rye convinced him and Andy had been working to be able to convince their management to allow them to come out .
After a lot of extra hours and work and dedication Andy finally succeeded in getting permission from management.
Soon the whole world would know about Randy . How real it is in reality .

"Mike I just I don't understand why he doesn't spend time with me anymore . I try so hard to be what he wants . Why can't he love me . How is our relationship going to last if he ignores me all the time" rye spoke . Him and mikey were having a chat with a cuppa tea attempting to enjoy the evening of rye's birthday before they went live . After the live where Andy had joined them and they'd been sweet and funny . Andy led rye to the filming and editing room where there was a table and mysterious looking setup covered by a blanket aswell as Elvia lurking in the doorway . Not that rye noticed that .
"Rye I Uh , I heard what you said to mikey earlier and we'll . I'm sorry you think that way I haven't been trying to ignore you babe I promise I've been talking to management and working things to give you your birthday present ."
"Andy I think we can last forever I want us to but, Well only if you want it to" rye says looking at the floor insecurely .
"There's nothing i'd like more . Maybe this will convince you" Andy said lifting up the blanket and handing rye the envelope that lay in front of the camera .
It read :
We can come out now . We're safe - af❤️
Aswell as that the envelope held papers from their management allowing it , rye kept reading and reading slowly but surely freaking out as he realised what it is .
"Are you being serious ? Your okay with this ? The lads are ok with this ? This is real? We can do this ?"Rye said smiling insanely brightly .
"I've checked and double checked everything, were ready to come out . So ready Elvia is ready to film if you ant right now . He's already edited bits and bobs already rye " Andy said smiling st how happy rye was .
"Let's do it fovvs please . Let's come out" rye said taking Andy's hand . Which Alex filmed perfectly .
They then filmed a perfect coming out video .
"Sup were Randy , and you may know us from the band called roadtrip . " rye said smiling .
"And we're dating " Andy continued .
Rye lifted their entwined hands up and kissed Andy's hand smiling .
"We have been for almost 5 years and this angels taught me what a relationship really is . We've been through highs and lows and it's taken us a long time to get here but I'm so glad that we have . Because honestly I can say now that whatever happens I trust Andy with my life and I can't see a future for me without him in it" Rye said .
"I love you rye-pie . You know I do I have for almost 5 years and your the most important person in my life just don't tell my mum that she'd killl me . Although I'm pretty sure she loves you more than me . We've fought for this for so long guys and I'm honestly so excited to share this with you all . To be able to share everything that really happens in this house is so important to me because it's so hard to hide and I want to tell you guys everything I don't each to keep things from you .
So i hope your happy for us and eachother . This isn't going to massively change the content you see on any of our platforms because well , we kiss on camera a lot anyways"  Andy said smirking .
Rye grabbed Andy's chin and turned it and kissed him . Andy pulled away almost breathless but managed a "peace and love see you on the flip side" whilst rye yelled "byeeeee" .
Then the camera was off and there was a collection of clips from all over the place of them doing cute coupley stuff they hadn't been able to put into vlogs and he best bits that they did. Alex edited it perfectly and it was the best gift Rye ever got . The freedom and excitement of the situation stayed with him forever . Because truly he could never doubt Randy for long .

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