Marvey - pyromaniac

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A/N: I've had a few requests about pyromaniac mikey so I hope you all like it also I'm sorry if it's not 110% corrrect I'm basing it off my research that I've done and my friend Jess who is a low key pyromaniac well pyrotechnition that doesn't really stick to rules . She's cool tho , scary but cool. If ya know what I mean , like she could kill you, she won't . But she could.

Mikey likes fires , he always has , from the second he first saw fire he fell in love and immediately he began lighting fires wherever he went , he loved a good fire and could nearly always be found somewhere near a fire .
He speant his days as a camp councillor for kids always working the fire , his evenings running campfires , and his weekends with his mates making fires on the woods . It was their favourite thing to do .
But he always tried (key word tried as he didn't always succeed) to stay safe , or atleast kinda safe , so that his boyfriend wouldn't worry .

Harvey however , liked the idea of fire but actual fires didn't excite him much , a good Melted marshmallow and campfire songs he could do , as he was also a camp councillor with mikey , he just worked as a water rafting specialist, enjoying the safety of water , whilst mikey liked the danger of fire .
They were so similar in a way but so different in others and in a way that made them work as a couple .

One weekend mikey had been out with his friends having a campfire in the woods when a sudden gust of air blew the fire up Into the trees above and suddenly a beach was on fire , the group immediately threw water over the fire and tried to throw water up in the air which put out the fire but burnt then . When the fire was out and the area cleared they all headed home hastily with promises to meet up next weeks , jokes were made about he situation and no one Really noticed the burns on them .

Mikey didn't realise Into he was already home , and when Harvey went to hug him , he saw the burns all over one side of mikey's arms . Harvey gasped had flying to his mouth.
"Holy Hell mike what happened let's get you cleaned up" Harvey said softly leading the way to the bathroom sitting mikey down before crouching down infront of him. He quickly and quietly cleaned and dressed the burn not paying any attention to mikey's sharp intakes off breatb whenever it hurt .
" if only you didn't start fires you'd be safe ya know Mikey, I know your urges make you start fires and I know you rely on it but please be safer , you know I worry about you and this kind of thing is why" Harvey's stressed and worried voice rang out through the bathroom.
"Sorry Harvey I really didn't mean to , I promise I'll be safer my love" mikey said before lightly pecking Harvey and leading him to bed where they cuddles up together and fell asleep peacefully.

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