Rykey - Which One

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Hogs the blanket :
Neither - they curl up so close neither can hog it aswell as Keeping warm together .

Cuts hair :
They always do the same thing : they're hair grows too long - they decide to cut each other's hair- and then when it fails they go to collections and get it done properly .

Tea :
They claim to Make it 'together' which means mikey half asleep leans on rye whilst rye makes them tea and kisses him in an attempt to wake him each morning.

Picks up pizza :
Mikey , rye treats mikey enough that he allows mikey to pay for food ( otherwise is causes then to have debates on who pays what ).

Music on full :
Neither but a shared pair of headphones and a night in front of a film on rye's laptop is a classic ( even tho they have the projector the closeness of it is nice and the millions of memories makes the small cramped space worthwhile )

Crumbs on bed :
Mikey - he's a bit ocd about it whereas rye doesn't care enough which means breakfast in bed occurs in mikeys bed as they always sleep in rye's , and mikey's is closer to the kitchen and afterwards mikey cleans it immediately.

Ticklish :
Mikey but he doesn't care he secretly likes that rye knows all his strengths and all his weaknesses although he wishes he wouldn't always use them against him.

Who sings and who plays the music :
Rye sings mikey to sleep when mikeys has a long day and needs to relax and mikey sings in the shower and rye sits outside leaning against the door admiring his voice as mikey doesn't like performing 1:1 with him as he finds it awkward and would rather listen to him sing .

Rye proposes infront of the boys and they're close family at the Jacklyn wedding ( jack hands mikey his flowers when doing the traditional flower throwing ( goes to next person ( stereotypically a bridesmaid ) to be married) and rye proposes then and there .

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