Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to My lovely, amazing family

I wake up to my alarm. "Shut the hell up!" I moan. I hate school. The lessons are boring and sometimes my friends don't feel like my friends. I get up and get my medicine. I have this feeding tube in my stomach. I see the scar on my stomach, fading, yet still noticeable. I've got two there, one on top of the other. It's horrible to see them, to know what story was behind them. I quickly dismiss the thought, but my mum notices.
"Did you think about it again? Remember what the doctor said?"
"Yes. That there's less chance of it happening again. But it could still happen!"
"That's true. But let's no dwell on the sad times. We've got the concert on Saturday!" I forgot about the concert. It was my birthday about two months ago and I got tickets to go see One Direction. I can't wait. And the support act will be 5 Seconds Of Summer.
After I get ready for school, Mum drives me to school. It's only down the road, but Mum has to go to work. Before I know it, we're at the school gates.
"Good luck, baby. I love you," says Mum.
"Love you too. See you tonight," I say, then I turn and walk into the school to go find my friends.
I finally find my friends, but my mind is filled with bad memories of the past. I try to forget them, but I just can't. "Think about the concert." I say in my head.
"Hey, Katie," I hear my best friend, Ilda say.
"Hey. How are you?" I ask.
"Fine. You?"
"Excited about the concert," I kind of lie.
"Not long now. You must be so excited. You're so bloody lucky," says Ilda. The bell goes for registration. Me and Ilda go up to class whilst our teacher takes the register.  Our class are all here, so I'm quite surprised when the door opens. I expect it's a teacher.
"Um, excuse me, sir, but I'm looking for someone called Katie Black in 13AF," says an Australian accent. I think it's Mr Ford, the art teacher. I turn around and have a freak out in my head. It's Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds Of Summer. I'm sad it isn't Michael. He's my favourite. Then Luke comes into my classroom. Then Ashton. Then Calum. And then, last but not least, Michael Clifford comes walking into my classroom as if he owns the place. His eyes then meet mine, just for a second. Then he turns to the front of the class and makes his way up there to join the rest of the band.
"Does anyone know where Katie is?" asks Calum.
"Right here," says Ilda, "She's next to me." Ashton walks up to me and takes my hand. Before I know it, I'm in front of Michael. Oh my God. He is hot. He leans into my ear.
"How would you like to hang out with us for the day?" he asks me. What the hell did he just say?

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