Chapter 6

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I wake up. Michael is snoring, so I knew he's asleep. A nurse comes over with a cardboard box. It's not that big. Oh no. I'm going to have a cannula put in. I hate them. They hurt and I'm never good to get a vain. What are cannulas? They are a small tube that is put in a vain to get blood and get medicine. They're annoying. The nurse puts the stuff on the bed and I whimper. "Nothing to be afraid of," says the nurse. What does she know? I bet she's never had a cannula put in!
"Michael, wake up," I say, nudging him. He wakes up.
"What's wrong?" I point to the cannula.
"It hurts getting it in. Can you comfort me please?"
"Sure. Tell you what, I'll sing to you. How does that sound?"
"Great," I say. He begins to sing and I instantly know what song it is: Don't Stop.

After the song is over and I've got my cannula in and I'm hooked up to a drip, the nurse goes.
"Finally. She's gone," I say. Michael chuckles. I then notice Luke is awake.
"Hi, guys," he says. I laugh.
"What?" Luke asks, sounding puzzled.
"You sound funny when you've just woken up. It's cool," I say. Ashton suddenly pops his head round the curtain.
"I've got Nando's if anyone wants them," he says.
"I do, I do!" Michael cries, eagerly reaching out for the Nando's.
"You sound like you're getting married," I joke. Then I notice Calum isn't here.
"Hey, guys. Where's Calum?" I ask.
"He went to get pizza an hour ago, but he hasn't returned," Ashton says, looking worried.

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