Chapter 35

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Ashton stares at me for a minute or so.
"Michael, is that you?"
"It sure is." I say, proudly. Ashton comes in for hug, which I accept.
"I've missed you so much." he whispers, crying a little.
"Me too." I say. That's the truth. I have missed them.
"Let's go inside." We walk into the 5SOS household, and I get bombarded with cuddles from Luke and Calum.
"We've missed you so much, mate. It's been so different without you, it was so quiet." Calum says. I start to cry a little, we all do.
"I love you guys so much." I admit.
"Awwwwww, same here, bro, same here." Ashton says. That reminds me of something.
"We need to get Katie back!" I cry.
"But how are we going to do that?" Luke asks.
"We'll do it somehow." I say hopefully.

Katie's POV.

Niall is a different boyfriend to Michael. Here's some examples of why I say that. Niall never protected me the way Michael ever did. Michael would do fun things with me, like watching movies, or playing video games. We would go out and go shopping, checking out the music stores or the bookshop. Niall hasn't done anything like that, not ever since we got mobbed. Since then, I've been diagnosed with panic attacks in very big crowds, which sounds a bit much in my opinion. 

I'm at Niall's house, and I'm bored as hell. All Niall's done since we've got here is watch telly, and talk to his mates. I'm so bored, so I take out my phone and look up Michael Clifford. I still love him, and I miss him a lot. I scream at the headline that I see. "Michael Clifford Has Rejoined 5SOS!" Yes, they are back. I can't let Niall know though.
"What's up, darling?" Niall asks me.
"Nothing." I say. He leans over, and then snatches my phone from my hand. Shit, he mustn't know. It's too late. He's found out.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" he shouts, scaring me. "MICHAEL IS BACK IN TOWN?!"
"Yes, and I'm going to see him. Now!" I say, taking my phone from him, and getting up from the sofa.
"No you're not." Niall says softly.
"What?! You can't stop me from seeing my best friend! If you knew me at all, you would know that this is the worst relationship that I've ever been in. Know why? Because you are so lazy, and you are annoying and mean, and you are controlling, Niall, that's what you are. I'm 15, not 5, I can do what I want! And that includes seeing my best friend, who I still like! Oh, and by the way, whatever we had, it's over!" I gasp for air. I've just said the truth. What have I done now? Niall stares at me. He looks angry. I grab my bag, and run for it. I run outside, and I don't stop until I reach the 5SOS household. I ring the doorbell again and again. Niall's coming, I just know he is. Please open the door, someone! He can't find me. It's too late because I can hear his breath on my neck. His arms are wrapped around me, pulling me from the door.
"HELP!" I scream. The door opens to reveal Mikey. And he doesn't look happy.

Mikey's POV.

I'm just chatting to the lads when I hear a scream for help. I bolt up. It sounds like Katie. Wait a minute - it is Katie. I race to the door and open it. What I see before me is shocking; Niall has a hold of Katie, and he's trying to pull her away.
"OI, YOU! LEAVE HER ALONE!" I shout at him. He lets her go, and runs off, not even botherd to put up a fight. Katie, meanwhile, is crying.
"Hi." she says, her voice all shaky. She hugs me, and I hug her back.
"Come inside. I've missed you so much." I say. We walk in, and I close the door behind me. Ashton grins at Katie.
"KATIE!" he shouts. She winces. "You ok?" He looks worried.
"I'm fine, just a bit scared, that's all." She sits down, and I make her some tea. We all sit down. "Mikey, will you be my boyfriend again. I've broken up with Niall."
"I would love to say yes, but I havn't seen you in ages, so I don't want to rush things. But we can be friends ." I say. "But please explain why you've broken up with him." She sighs, then explains about her terrible relationship with Niall. It sounds awful. No wonder she's run away.
"Don't worry, you're with us now. No one is gonna take you away from us, no matter what. You're like family." Calum says.
Just then, my phone buzzes with a text message from someone. I open up my phone, and almost drop it. It's a text from Niall.

You think you could get away that easily? Well, you thought wrong. I'll be back. One day. And when I return, you'll never get Katie back ever again.......

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