Chapter 3

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"My name is Katie, and I'm 18 years old. I was born 3 months early and I have a small airway, which makes my voice sound deeper than others. I've had over 100 operations and the most recent ones haven't worked. I've had 3 stomach obstructions and a few operations on my stomach. Because of all my operations, I have a lot of scars. Some have comply faded. But some are still noticeable." I pull down the top of my shirt to show them the scars on my neck.
"Wow. You're so brave. I would of been scared shitless," says Michael.
"I still get nervous," I admit.
"No, Michael is right. You're braver than anyone I know," says Ashton.
"I agree," says Luke.
"Yeah, I agree as well," says Calum.
"One question. How did you guys know my name?" I ask.
"We were going to vist the school to do a mini concert and we had to pick a name out of a hat and we picked you," explains Ashton.
"Wow. I bet you're glad you picked me," I say. The bell goes, signalling break time.
"Oh, look at that. It's time for break. Are you guys ready to meet my friends?" I ask them.
"Hell yeah!" says Calum. We get up and go outside. I spot Ilda, but my heart sinks. She's with the most popular girl in Year 10. Zainab. She hates me. I find myself walking over to her. I say "Hey, Ilda. Hey, Zainab."
"Hey, Katie," says Ilda.
"Hi, Katie," says Zainab, with disgust. She then notices 5 Seconds Of Summer behind me, looking awkwardly at the ground. "Who are you?" asks Zainab.
"I'm Luke," says Luke.
"Hello, I'm Ashton," says Ashton, politely.
"I'm Calum," says Calum, nervously.
"Hi, I'm Michael and I'm from Middle Earth and Narnia," jokes Michael.
"Well, well, well. We've got 3 hot Aussie dudes and one ugly emo," says Zainab. Michael looks shocked and sad. He begins to cry, and Zainab laughs.
"You idiot," I say to Zainab, before leading Michael back inside.
"You ok?" I ask him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit sad," he says.
"Katie, why didn't you tell us about this?" asks Luke.
"About what?" I ask.
"About how you had a 40% chance of surviving your birth and how you died on the day of your baptism, but came back to life," he says.
"How do you know that?" I ask.
"You've got it written down here on a piece of paper." says Luke. Holding up the piece of paper I had written my darkest secrets on.  Including the one about not wanting to have a 4th stomach obstruction.
"Katie, what is this?" asks Luke. There's no way I'm getting out of this now. I'm trapped.

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