Chapter 28

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Today everything goes wrong. It's all my fault. If I hadn't told Lauren about the fight with Niall, then I wouldn't be in this mess. I've messed up, big time. And it looks like no one can help me this time. Not even Katie.  What have I done?

Today, when I wake up, I see my phone has 500 Twitter alerts. That's a lot. I quickly open my Twitter app and look through the Tweets.
@lulu123: OMG! How dare he! That Michael Clifford has got some dumb brain. #LetsHate5SOS.
@pipin45: #LetsHate5SOS.

Thats weird. I used to get hate, but now I don't. None of the band get hate. I scroll down. I shouldn't have. It only gets worse.
@5sossuck: #LetsHate5SOS is such a good hashtag. Lol. It's so true, they are a rubbish band, and Michael Clifford's girlfriend is so ugly. Niall was right to hate her.

What the hell?! I press reply on that Tweet. How dare he/she?!

Michael Clifford: @5sossuck, you've got a nerve. You can put hate on me all you bloody like, but NEVER put hate on my brothers or on @KatieBlack! EVER! Got it?! And what's with this #LetsHate5SOS? It's a shit hashtag anyway. And this message goes for all the haters out there.

I'm quite proud of that. I close the Twitter app and check out Instagram. Hate on there as well. Same goes for Facebook. This is it.
The hate starts today.

I go to Calum's room. He's crying. I look at his Twitter page. Hate. It's about people saying he shouldn't be in the band, and that he's awful at the bass guitar. Shit, what have I done? I go to Ashton's room. More hate, but it's worse for him. It's about his dad leaving him, and how Ash is awful at the drums. Oh God. Luke is curled up into a ball, sobbing. I look at his Twitter page. Hate. It's about his age and how he's too young to be a frontman. My phone buzzes. Oh God, I'm not prepared for this. The hates got worse for me. It's about me being an emo, and how I'm ugly and don't deserve to be in the band.
I look at Katie's Twitter page. I instantly regret it. It's about her scars. Oh my God. I cry then. I instantly call her. She picks up. She sounds upset.
"Hello? Mikey, is that you?"
"Yes, baby, it's me. I've seen Twitter. I'm so sorry. I've messed up big time."
"It's not your fault. I've responded to some of them, telling them to piss off, that they don't know me. I've stood up for the others. I've seen you've stood up for me as well. Thank you for that."
"You're not mad at me?"
"No, I'm mad at that Lauren. And mad at Niall."
"He loves you, you know that. Niall, I mean."
"Yeah, I know that. But does he want to put hate on me? If he loves me, then why say mean stuff to me?"
"I think it's so I get mad, then I think he'll use that to get the fans against the band and then I think the band will hate me, and then he'll persuade us to break up and then he'll try to get you to break up with me. Then you'll be his." I say.
"I won't let that happen."
"Nether will I." I promise, and with that, I end the call. I then go back to my room, collapse onto my bed, trying to wrap my head around things, and end up falling asleep. Today has been some strange morning. I just need to sort it out, maybe even forgive Niall and persuade him to end the hate before it gets too out of hand. My phone pings. Twitter. I prepare myself for the worse.

@5sossuck: Michael Clifford, I'm watching you. Prepare for your Twitter to become a living hell.
Michael Clifford: Is this Niall?
@5sossuck: yes it is.

I should have known.

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