Chapter 31

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Katie's POV.

I'm depressed. It's been about a week since I broke up with Mikey, and I'm sad and angry. Sad because Mikey was my first boyfriend, and now he's my first heartbreak. Angry because he's cheated on me! I go onto Facebook to find a private message from Mikey. He wrote it one week ago, around the time we broke up. It's to Ash, Cal, Luke and me. I read it. Here's what it says:

Hi, guys,
I can't deal with the pressure that I've been through lately. It's hard to try to be happy, whereas inside, I'm breaking. You guys don't trust me anymore, so I've left  for Australia. My parents are the only ones that trust me. I'm going to live with them for now, until you can trust me. So I guess this is goodbye, dear friends.  No more 5 Seconds Of Summer. No more jokes. No more fun. We all go our separate ways one day, and I guess that day is today. Just remember this, I still love you, no matter what. You'll be my brothers (Katie, you'll still be my girlfriend, although we've broken up) forever. And also, just to remind you that Niall is behind all this. And I've also been an idiot.
Lots of love,

I reply.

Hi, Mikey,

I know now you might not want to talk to me right now, but please don't move to Australia. I know you're probably already there, and I don't blame you if you don't forgive me, or any of the boys, but please stay, or come back to, England. I'm so sorry that I broke up with you. I'm ready to give our relationship another chance. I love you. We need to work tighter, all 5 of us, to try and get Niall to explain why he's doing this.
I love you loads.

Now, the question is, will anyone reply?

Mikey's POV.

I've been in Australia for about a week now, and although jet lag is my enemy, I'm happy here. Mum and Dad are very happy that I'm here, but Mum is worried that I've made the wrong choice about moving here, although I've explained what's happened in my messed up life.
"Michael, me and your dad are glad that you're home, but the rest of the band must of forgiven you by now. And Katie sounds like a lovely girl. Please, at least text them, or do whatever you young people do nowadays to communicate, and let them know about this misunderstanding. Please." she says to me. I go to my room, and open up Facebook. That's when I see the Facebook message from Katie.
"YES! SUCESS AT LAST!" I cry to my dog, a poodle called Federer. He just looks at me, confused. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Oh no, someone heard me shouting. They probably thought thought I was going crazy. The door opens, and my mum appears.
"Someone reply?" she asks, grinning. I nod, hardly able to speak. "Who was it?" Mum continues to question me.
"It was Katie. She says she wants to get back together, as in girlfriend and boyfriend." I say, pleased.
"You'd better reply to her then." She walks out the door. "Oh, and try hard to not give Federer a heart attack." I laugh.
"Very funny, Mum." I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm. I re-open the Facebook app. Now, how to start? I could say that I accept because I do accept her apology, but I don't want to rush things. I could get angry, but I don't want to upset her. I turn my phone off, and think. What to write? I turn my phone on again, and press reply. I guess I'll go with the flow, and what I think I'll write. I charge my phone, but I'll type as it charges. I press reply.

Dear Katie........

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