Chapter 27

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Today we have another interview. We're back in London. It's going to be on the radio. Katie will be visiting her parents because she hasn't seen them for about 3 weeks, so I'm just alone with the band. We only arrived yesterday, so we're very tired today. I didn't have a nightmare last night and Niall didn't strike last night, so things have been good, but that could change.

"Mikey, wake up." Calum says in my ear.
"No." I moan, half asleep.
"We've got that radio interview today." I hear Ashton say, I think to me.
"I'm getting up." I say. I get up and get dressed and throw on some random outfit. I run my fingers through my hair to make it look neat, and I head downstairs. I'm not botherd to make an impression. It's the radio, no one is going to see us!

"Hey, guys." I say as cheery as I can, although I feel like I'm going to break inside.
"Hey, mate." Luke says. I nod. He hasn't botherd to make an impression, nor have Ashton or Calum, when I see them. We eat breakfast in silence and then we head to the radio station. I text Katie to listen out for us and she says she will.
"Hey, Michael. Are you ok?" Ashton asks me. Shit, he knows.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I say, trying to sound positive.
"You seem a little down, that's all. And a few nights ago, you were screaming for someone to not kill me?. What's going on, Michael? Please tell me."
"It's to do with Niall." I say, and I explain to everyone, about how Niall had been mean to Katie, and how he's going to get revenge on all of us, espically me. Luke looks horrified. Calum looks scared and Ashton looks stunned.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Calum asks me. I open my mouth to explain, but then I realise the car has stopped. We're here. Once we are outside, I gasp at the size of the place. It's huge. We head inside.

We are greeted by a man and woman, who I can see from their name tags, are called Tom and Lauren.
"Welcome to Star Radio Station." Lauren says in a really fake cheery voice. I snigger a little. Ashton gives me a dirty look. Lauren extends her hand to the rest of the boys to shake and they shake it, but when she reaches me and I take it, I have to shake it for us both. As soon as I let go, she wipes her hand on her skirt with a disgusted look on her face. That's really not nice.
"Let's go in." Tom says, suggesting to a small radio room. We walk in first and sit down on the chairs that are laid out. Tom and Lauren are opposite us, and I put on the headphones and the others do the same.
"Right, let's get this over and done with." Tom says. I don't think he's joking. These two people are really starting to piss me off. A really naff theme tune comes on, and then Tom leans into his microphone.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, Tom and Lauren here. Now for the time our teenage listeners have been waiting for because we are very lucky to be joined by 5 Seconds Of Summer. Now, tell me, boys. What's it like to be suddenly so famous at such a young age?"
"First of all, not meaning to be rude or anything, but we're not that young, I mean, my dear friend, Ashton is very nearly 20." I protest. How dare that man suggest we're younger that we really are?!
"I was joking, wasn't I, Lauren?" Tom says, more to Lauren, than to us.
"Of cause you were, Tom." Lauren says in a sickly, sweet voice. I feel like vomiting. I hope the rest of the interveiw goes well.
Something tells me that it isn't. And that something is the next question.
"So, Michael, we understand that you attacked Niall Horan from One Direction for no reason." Lauren asks. I stare at her. She can't be serious, can she? She looks impatient. She's wating for an awnser, the truth, so she can broadcast it all over the freaking world! Hell no. She isn't getting the shit lies that she wants. If she wants the truth, then she'll get the truth. I open my mouth to speak, remembering to lean into my microphone.
"That's shit. I didn't attack him." I explain, very well aware that my words are getting broadcast everywhere right now. Who cares? The world deserves to know the truth about what happened. After I've explained what's been going on, Lauren smiles sweetly at me. Something doesn't seem right. I frown at her.
"Right, that's all for now folks, see you next week." Tom says, and plays that awful theme tune. We're forced outside, and Ashton turns around and stares at the building again.
"That was some weird arse interveiw."
"You don't say." Calum says sarcastically. I just nod. All I can say is that this is the worst day I've ever had. And somehow I think it's only going to get worse.That's when I realise that I told the whole world the truth. This could affect our career and One Direction's career. This will only make Niall hate me more. Oh shit, what the hell have I done now?

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