Chapter 25

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Mikey's POV

How could he? He knows I love Katie. After sending her that hateful message on Twitter, I thought he'd stop all this. I was wrong. Now the band hate me. Ashton gives me a look that can only mean one thing; why did you say that? Calum isn't even talking to me, and Luke is crying in his room because I just saw that he received a hateful message, apparently from my twitter. Everyone, even the crew, hate me. Well, that's not entirely true. Only one person doesn't hate me. Katie. But I know it's only a matter of time until Niall makes Katie hate me. That's when he'll strike with the worst revenge possible. This is only the beginning. And I don't want anyone hurt. I'm going to do my best to keep everyone safe. I look up. I didn't even know I was crying until I see Katie looking at me, her beautiful amber eyes widened with concern.
"Mikey, are you ok?"
"No, I'm not ok. Everyone, except you, hates me. Everything is a pile of shit!" I cry out. Katie comes over to me and sits down on my bed.
"Hey, Mike, it'll be ok. I know you don't want to hear these words, but Niall's revenge has only just started." Katie's never called me Mike before. It's always Michael or Mikey. I stare at her.
"You called me Mike. You've always called me Michael or Mikey. Why did you call me Mike?" I ask her. I'm so tired and confused; I need to sleep.
"I don't know why I called you Mike, but I think you need to sleep now. You look tired. I'll try and explain to the others about Niall, and you get some sleep. Ok?" I nod. I don't need to change into my pyjamas because I never got dressed. I get into my bed and Katie tucks the duvet over me.
"Good night. See you in the morning. I love you." she says.
"Love you too." I say, then I watch as she walks out of the room and then I know it's safe to go to sleep, that she'll explain everything to the others. I close my eyes and go to sleep and I have a nightmare.


It must be late afternoon when I wake up. Ashton is looking at me with a sorry expression on his face. I notice that Luke, Calum and Katie are here.
"Michael, we're so sorry. We didn't mean to get upset at you. We should've guessed it was Niall," Ashton says.
"We're sorry, Mikey," they all say together.

"That's ok," I say. I get up and I get dressed (the others went outside). I grab my phone, a beanie hat and some sunglasses. I go downstairs, grab some toast and eat it as I'm walking outside.

Once I'm outside, I put on my sunglasses and beanie hat and text Katie to ask where she is. She replies and says that she's going to walk up all the stairs to the Eiffel Tower. That's odd. I head off to the Eiffel Tower, walk up all the stairs to reach the top. I'm out of breath by the time I'm there. I have to rest for a minute to catch my breath. I look up, expecting to see Katie and the others. There's no one. I walk around. Still no one. I walk up to the very top of the tower. Someone's here. A few people are here. I recognise Katie and the rest of 5SOS. There's something wrong with their posture. I frown. Their sitting down, but it looks like if they are being forced too. There's one person standing next to them. I gasp. Oh no. Not him. It can't be.

"Hello, Michael. I wondered when I would be seeing you. Do you like your little surprise?" the voice asks, the strong Irish accent confirms my guess.
"Hello Niall," I reply, cooly, although my heart is thumping hard. Why has he done this? He turns around, and I hich my breath.
He's got a knife. He walks over to Ashton and drags him up. He then presses the knife to Ashton's neck.
"I said, do you like your surprise? Tell me the truth or else this one dies!" I stare at him. He can't be serious. He presses the the knife deeper into Ashton's neck. Quick, Michael, think of something fast.
"Leave them alone!" I cry.
"Wrong answer, I'm afraid. Now say goodbye to your little, pathetic band." He drops the knife, but he still has a hold on Ashton. He gets out a gun and aims it at Luke's head. Before I know it, I leap in front of Luke, and Niall fires the gun. I collapse, and hear a scream. To my horror, I realise it's me screaming. I see Niall making a run for it. The coward. I want to stay awake, but darkness tries takes over me. I want to live. It's like one of the video games I play. Then I think I hear Katie's voice, but I can't make out what she's saying. Only when I'm about to black out, I hear what she's saying:
"Stay with us, Michael."
"I will try," I whisper.

*Nightmare Over*

I wake up drenched in sweat, my heart pounding. I check the time on my phone. 8:51pm. I've slept for ages. I collapse into my pillow. I can't believe I just dreamt that. It's scary to think of those things. I whimper into my pillow. I finally get up and I go to my suitcase to get Daniel the lion. I remembered to pack him. I take him into bed and cuddle him. At some point, I must have fallen asleep.

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