Chapter 17

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I instantly text Mikey. How dare Niall send that? He knows I'm Mikey's girlfriend! What the hell is wrong with that stupid idiot?!
Text sent to Mikey <3
Look what Niall sent to me! :(
Hi Katie.
Nialler here. I was wondering if you would go out with me on a date sometime.
Love Niall.

Mikey <3 replied to your text
How on earth did he get your number?! What the fuck is wrong with him?! He knows I'm going out with you! What an arse!
I call Mikey.
"Hi, how the fuck did Niall get your number?"
"I don't know. That's a nice greeting."
"Sorry. I'm just so pissed off right now."
"So am I."
"In fact, I'm going to call him right now and find out how he has your number."
"No, don't."
"Why not?"
"I don't want to get him pissed off."
"I want to know how the hell he got your number."
"Fine, you can ask him."
"I'll do it right now. Love you, Katie. Talk to you later."

"Love you too. Bye."
Now, I'll just stay indoors all day waiting for Mikey to call me. The phone suddenly rings. It's Mikey.
"Katie, Niall says that he doesn't have your number. Hello, hello? Katie, are you there?"
"No." Then I drop my mobile on the floor and watch it shatter on the ground. That's my life. Shattered, un-fixable. My life is in pieces and it can't be fixed. No matter what happens now. I've been broken forever, but it only starts to show now as I sob, sliding down the wall. I check out Twitter on my laptop. That what gets to me, the hate I see.
OMG! You're such an ugly, worthless cow. You don't deserve Michael. There's a reason you've been in and out of hospital. That's because you've had plastic sugary. Well, I'm sorry to tell you darling, but it hasn't worked. I gasp as I see who it's supposedly from. Niall. It's got his correct photo and twitter name and it even has the blue tick to confirm it's him. I think Niall's twitter must be hacked. I type back, my fingers flying over the keyboard of my laptop.
Who the hell are you, you creep?!
I'm Niall, you're friend.
You're not Niall, I know you're not. Niall would never say stuff like that! Then I log off before I can see anymore. One question remains unanswered. Who is stalking me?

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