Chapter 16

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Friday finally comes! At last! I pick out a little black dress and some combat boots. I put on only a bit of makeup. I grab my phone and my purse and wait for Mikey to come pick me up. There's a knock at the door and I go open it. Let me just say it right now. Mikey was hot! He was dressed in a suit and tie, but instead of a blazer, he wore a leather jacket.
"Wow, Katie. You look beautiful." he says, surprised.
"You look very handsome. Thanks for the compliment." I say, blushing.
"Ready to go?" he asks and I take his hand. "I'll drop her off at about 10:30-ish." he says to my mum.
"Have fun." she says. I grin as Mikey shuts the door.
"Off to Nando's we go!" he cries.
"And the movie." I add. He grins.

Finally, we make it to Nando's. He takes me in, and the person must know he's famous, as she takes us to a back table.
"What you like to drink?" he asks me.
"Some water would be fine." I say.
"Ah, ok. I'll have the wine." he says. I laugh. He orders the drinks and then he asks me what I want to eat.
"Tell you what, I'll order whatever you want and we'll share it." he says. I order chicken and chips. Mikey grins. He orders the food and then we wait.
"So, the problem with this date is that we already know each other too well." I say. Mikey chuckles.
"Yeah, that's a bit of a problem. Oh, look. Food's here." And sure enough, it is. We eat in silence and then we finish. Mikey pays and we go to the cinema.
"I'll cry at this movie." Mikey says, as we wait to buy tickets.
"I don't cry at sad movies." I admit.
"What?! You're joking, right?" Mikey says.
"No." I say, laughing.
"Next." the man at the counter says.
"Hi, two tickets to see The Fault In Our Stars, please." Mikey asks, politely.
"Ok, that'll be £20 please." the man says. Mikey pays him and we go inside. The lights dim and the movie starts. It's really good and sad at the same time. Mikey cries at several sences and I have to admit, I cry as well.
"I thought you didn't cry at sad movies?" Mikey asks. I chuckle. The film has got to the bit when Hazel and Gus have their first kiss. I look at Mikey. He leans in and we both have a romantic kiss. The movie ends about 20 minutes later and by that point, me and Mikey and the whole cinema is crying. It's so sad. We get up and leave. We walk home and we joke around. Before I know it, we're home.
"I've had an amazing night with you, Katie." Mikey says.
"Ditto." I say and we kiss. I go inside and get ready for bed. I check my phone and see there is a message from an unknown number. Here's what it says:

Hi Katie.
Nialler here. I was wondering if you would go out with me on a date sometime.
Love Niall.

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