Chapter 13

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I walk forwards, and Zayn gets up and shakes up my hand.
"Hi, I'm Katie," I say.
"Hi, Katie. I'm Zayn," he says. Louis is next.
"Hello, love. I'm Louis," he says.
"I'm Katie," I say. Liam's next.
"Hi, I'm Liam," he says, shaking my hand.
"I'm Katie. It's nice to meet you, Liam," I say. Harry comes up.
"Hi, I'm Harry. And you must be Katie."
I nod.
"That's me!" I say, proudly. We hug. Last, but not least, is Niall. I had a crush on Niall. I mean, who wouldn't? But, now, I'm taken.
"Hi, I'm Niall," Niall says.
"I'm Katie," I say. I've just realised that none of them have asked about my voice.
This is going well.
"Who's hungry?" Ash says. I jump. I wasn't expecting him.
"Me, me, me!" Mikey and Niall say together. Louis laughs. I chuckle. I am hungry. We all go into another studio, where I see a picnic has been laid out. Nice! We don't have to cook our own food. We sit down and eat.
"So, Katie, tell us about yourself." Liam says. Shit. I don't know where to start. I think.
"Well, my name is Katie Black and I'm 15 years old and I was born on the 1st April 1999 and I'm not single." I say. Mikey laughs.
"Who are you taken by?" Liam asks.
"Michael Clifford." I say. Niall cheers.
"Congrats, mate! I just knew you would get a girlfriend!" he says, slapping Mikey on the back in a friendly way. Mikey grins.
"Thanks." He says, blushing. I grin. I suddenly get up. I go to a stool used for drums and pick up an acoustic guitar. Mikey taught me how to play when I was in the hospital. I play the opening notes of "Little Things". I sing it, unaware that I have an audience, until I hear clapping. I look up. 5SOS and 1D are cheering at me.
"Where did you learn to play guitar and sing like that?" Niall asks.
"Mikey taught me when I was in the hospital." I say.
"Why were you in hospital?" Louis asks.
Here we go again.

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